It’s the Lord’s doing!


RRP £8.99 | Our price £6.29

The book records seven remarkable conversions which we experienced as a church in Ingleton. They were remarkable for several reasons but principally because we were almost bystanders, as the Lord worked in ways that we could never have imagined. A gambler transformed in a night vision. A young man converted not by what was said but by what was not said. A man of 72 so convicted that he could neither eat or sleep. A lady coming to rejoice in what was once abhorrent to her.

Many congregations, especially in rural areas, are small and it is easy to become discourage but these testimonies prove that `nothing is too hard for the Lord`. A faithful, prayerful, witnessing church can still look to the Lord ` to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think`.


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