Delight: Kingdom Identity and Inheritance was written by Steve Hawkins is describing about Heaven.
Christian living was not meant to be a religious chore. Heaven awaits, but Heaven is active now as our base of operations as we seek to live abundantly with a healthy identity in Jesus Christ. Identity. A crucial part of living a current, enjoyable Christian life is to live it from an identity secured in a Biblical base. These days, the Holy Spirit is echoing the Father’s heart which longs for us to live from our grace-provided position in Heaven so that we may be effective in showing a needy world the reality of Jesus Christ’s abundant life.
Author profile
Steve Hawkins is a published author in the United States and the United Kingdom. Active in prophetic teaching and worship, Steve is passionate about seeing the Church live free from legalism and partnering with God’s presence as He demonstrates His character to the world.
- The Cross is Still the Crux…………………………………….
- Identity is Key…………………………………………………..
- All Debt Paid…………………………………………………..
- Mission Possible……………………………………………….
- Rulers Sit………………………………………………………..
- On Earth as It is in Heaven…………………………………..
- Heaven – our Glorious Destination and Base……………..
- The Lamb’s Book of Life………………………………………
- Ambassadors…………………………………………………..
- Blood- Understood in Heavenly Places…………………….
- Motives………………………………………………………….
- Five Reasons to Yield………………………………………….
- Daily Rest………………………………………………………..
- Wag the Dog – Whose Glory?………………………………..
- Noise…………………………………………………………….
- Lives of Worship…………………………………
- Lone Rangers……………………………………………………
- How many Churches? …………………………
- The Power of the Tongue……………………….
- Wine Maker………………………………………
Postscript: Little Old Lady……………………………………..
About the Author……………………………………………
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