Maria Yiangou BSc(Hons), PGCE, MA
Pastor Maria Yiangou is an inspirational preacher, teacher and deliverer. She moves powerfully with the yoke-breaking anointing that God has entrusted her with and many have given awesome testimonies of how situations have changed in their lives through her anointed prayers and services.
She has written a number of books in recent years including Christianity: The Basics – What Every Christian should Know and Deliverance – Your Key to Freedom. Pastor Maria is the co-founder and senior pastor of Victory in Christ Ministries in London, England and has a weekly television programme, with a global outreach to over 100 million households.
Pastor Maria is passionate about seeing Gods people do well, receive breakthroughs and overcome any obstacle the enemy has set in their path.
Apart from doing God’s work and raising her young family, Pastor Maria also oversees a number of entities and writes books instructing people how to be always live victoriously glorifying Jesus in every situation.
Andy Yiangou
Andy Yiangou is the General Overseer of Victory in Christ Ministries in London, England and is called into the prophetic ministry. He has given countless prophesies to people and churches, which have come to pass.
Apart from being a Prophet and the General Overseer of Victory in Christ Ministries, he is also a gifted Bible teacher and author of Christian children’s books. Pastor Andy has a heart for Gods people and has reached out to many from troubled backgrounds offering them prayer and encouragement.
Pastor Andy also is a trustee for Morris Cerrullo World Evangelism in the UK and sits on the board of trustees.
Gillian Leggat
Gillian Leggat is a well-known author in South Africa and has written over 65 published books! She is a committed Christian and a regular church goer and hopes her books will reach children and young people of all ages and bring them to the knowledge and understanding of Jesus. Apart from writing books, Gillian holds a Master’s degree in English Literature and teaches English in secondary school and writing courses.
Born in Mid-Western Nigeria in 1970, Cliff Chima began attending church from his earliest age and passed through several Christian denominations. However, a personal encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ in December 2014 changed his Christian perspective and pushed him into a deeper relationship with Christ by the Bible. His experience planted in his heart the truth that the Bible is God’s authoritative deposit of salvation and source of life for man. This Bible, an authoritative truth is from God Almighty Himself and He alone determines what is His Word and it is not subject to human impulses, personal and arbitrary re-interpretation; you can’t make the Bible say any other thing than what it is. You either take it or leave it. As opposed to the shifting ecstasies of men’s opinions, Cliff found that the Bible when one truly becomes subservient to it, changes men.
This rediscovery has shaped his life, making him devote much of his time into the study of Christian history and Bible commentaries. Together with his natural love for reading and writing, it boosted in him the need to write Christian literature to raise peoples’ faith in the infallibility of God’s Word. Obaedo, A Redemption is his first literary work.
Rhoda Moulding
Born in Bournemouth in the mid 1930’s, Rhoda Moulding had an eventful childhood. After starting life in care, she returned to live with her parents in London at the age of 6. Shortly after, as a result of an accident, she lost the use of her left hand. Then, at the age of 11 her father was killed. A few years later, she was left homeless along with her mother and brother after their house suffered a direct hit during the blitz.
Rhoda became a Christian at the age of 15, giving her life to Christ at a youth camp. She went on to marry John and they had 5 children. Throughout their marriage, as well as times of joy, they have had to face many difficulties and heartaches together which has strengthened their faith and enabled them to help others going through similar experiences.
Her poems were written as a result of these experiences throughout her childhood and adult life, not only as a way to express her feelings but also in the hope that they will be a help, encouragement and a blessing to those that read them. Several of them were also written with the aim to inspire and encourage the young people she worked with over so many years.
Marilyn Edwards
Marilyn Edwards has been an active Christian for a number of years. She enjoys expressing herself through different forms of Art, which she demonstrates through poetry, drama and dancing. Marilyn has also completed her Psychology, Dip. In Counselling and “Creative Therapy”.
Pastor Midagbodji Ablam
PASTOR MIDAGBODJI ABLAM (ABRAHAM) is the Pastor of the Holy Faith Pentecostal Church in Udine, Italy. He is also a member of the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World (P.A.W) Inc. After struggling in ministry, the Lord Jesus Christ has blessed him with the gift of teaching and deliverance from demonic and doctrine bondage. He has been given the grace to unveil certain hidden truths from the scriptures which are difficult to be understood with our carnal minds.
John Lloyd
In A Western Understanding of Jesus Christ, John Lloyd tells this story. From the adventures of young Jesus to the work of His disciples in he last year of His life, John takes us through the places and people that took it upon themselves to carry out the work of Jesus. With an original and creative style, John presents a fresh take on one of the greatest stories ever told.
Victoria Kulczycka
I am an active member of mirfield evangelical church in mirfield, West Yorkshire. I help run two church clubs, Sunday school and work extensively in evangelistic events and personally getting alongside mums from the toddler groups. I have a heart for the lost. Jesus Christ is the only way to salvation, I wish to tell people that in every opportunity. I am blessed with two young children and have a wonderful husband.
Samuel F. Koroma
Samuel F. Koroma is an Electrical Engineer who graduated from Fourah Bay College, University of Sierra Leone. He has a major experience in Caterpillar Earthmoving Machines, and a minor in Power Systems. As revealed by God, Samuel has a writing assignment with packets of information stored within him to transmit to the Universe. He emanates from a strong Islamic polygamous home, with more than thirty siblings, but now born-again – a Christian. He is married to a charming wife – Madiana Nyamu, with two lovely daughters – Neriah Nyande and Cecilia Nyangbe II.
Patricia Gault
I feel uniquely qualified to write this book because I have lived it! I have been journaling since becoming a Christian in 1987. I felt the Lord indicated that my life would be ‘an oracle’. This book is primarily written from my perspective, but with the consultation of my husband as he has been a major player in the story. We jointly agreed I would write under a pseudonym in order to protect family, and those mentioned in the book.
Our first marriage lasted 19 years, during which time we were blessed with two children. We lived for almost six years in Canada before returning to the UK. We were divorced for eight years; my husband was married to another woman for a short time. We then re-married each other, but after two years we were apart for another seven years…before finally coming together to re-new our marriage vows.
Nigel Scotland
I have discovered and know the benefits that Jesus can bring to a person’s life and have experienced them myself for over fifty years. I have spent almost all my life lecturing in Christian history for 33 years in University and 10 years at Trinity Theological College and Bristol Baptist College (which is one college academically). I am an ordained Christian minister and led a church plant in Cheltenham for 13 years while full-time lecturing. I am a well-published author of 23 books. The latest one George Whitefield First Transatlantic Revivalist has just been published this month June 2019 by Lion Hudson, 336 pages price £12.99p. Most of what I have written is in the area of Early, Reformation and Modern Christian history including revival movements. My most Kingdom effective book is probably Jesus and Life’s Four Great Questions, DayOne 2016 and reprinted. My first wife , Liz, died of cancer in 2010. I have two married daughters, both active Christians. I am now married again to Anne and we have 12 grand children between us. I am still an Honorary Research Fellow at the University of Gloucestershire and still teach and preach quite a lot. I still play squash, run and go to the gym and walk out with Anne. I should think that will be enough of me for now !
Christine Marie Emelone
I am a undergraduate university student studying Journalism. I am currently in a Christian relationship and have experience to talk about God’s goodness and love in this.
Dee Jay Fowler (Daphne Fowler)
I have always had a vivid imagination and have written articles before. I was the editor for staff magazines at work and ran the Design Centre for one company. I have had a couple of articles published, one when I was in my teens the other in my 30s.
Keith Evans & Pauline Evans
Keith: Church man from Sunday school to 34 years of age. I have always loved church. Server in the sanctuary after confirmation, lifelong organist from age 14. Gave my life to Jesus at age 34 after God audibly called me to ‘More’ over two years. Baptised in the Spirit as I gave my life to Jesus. The book tells of God’s grace, call and direction over the following 32 years.
Pauline: I can’t remember a time when I didn’t love Jesus as my parents were always very involved in church leadership. From an early age I knew that Jesus was special and that He loved every part of me. I became a teacher and I was truly blessed as I loved being with children. Yes, there have been times when I struggled with accepting that I was good enough to receive His love, but when I look back I can see that God has always walked with me in the valleys and on the mountaintops and there have many times when I have been amazed how our great God has used me in the big and little things of life.
Helen Aigbe-Joseph
Helen has been a Christian for many years and is passionate about helping people find the comfort of God. Following the death of her still born daughter Ruth in 1993, she has carried a passion to reach other people with the comfort the comfort she received from God. She is in Ministry working with women, widows, young people and people in grief. She has a diploma in Pastoral Care Counselling. While in Canada, she published Beyond Bereavement: The Ministry and Power of the Widow in the Church which she has now revised as Let the Healer in. She is married to Rev Kingsley with three daughters, Stephanie, Salome and Daisy.
Kennedy Rasak Tajudeen
I accepted Jesus Christ fourteen years ago in prison and I have been evangelising since then until now, many pastors and teachers of the Bible have been visiting to teach and preach to us. God used me to establish a prayer group in this prison where God is doing tremendous miracles. I attended a Bible school in prison which later folded up after I obtained associate degree in theology . By God’s grace I am currently the pastor of almost two thousand inmates in this prison. I was inspired by the Holy Spirit to write books after 13 years in prison.
Carol Stanley
I have found Kingdom Publishers to be quick and efficient in my dealings with them. They have sent me all the relevant documents in order for my book to be published. They are friendly and helpful, and have answered my questions clearly. Their graphics are pleasing and I am happy with them.
Carol Stanley
Patricia Azuka Nnoli
Patricia Azuka is a graduate of the Faculty of Law, University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus. She had her B L at Nigerian Law School. She for us a practising Lawyer in Lagos, Nigeria. She is a good Christian and a Counsellor in her local community church in Lagos State of Nigeria. She has written so many inspirational messages.
Patricia Azuka
William Michael Rumball
An author of more than thirty scientific research papers published internationally I’ve been writing poetry for thirty years with a number published in poetry magazines together with hundreds of articles in Church Magazines, miscellaneous newspaper articles and thousands of sermons ! I have undergraduate and postgraduate degrees in physical and biological sciences, fine art, and the history of art.
William Michael Rumball
Beryl Bamu
Beryl Bamu has dedicated her life to serving God and humanity. A minister and writer, Dr. Bamu merges her Christian faith and educationist background to address issues on vulnerability from a biblical standpoint. She has passion for and sees strength vulnerable people as she visualises vulnerability through God’s lens. She equally holds a PhD in pedagogical sciences with special focus on disability and Inclusion. She currently lives in Belgium with her Family.
Beryl Ndongwa Bamu
Gail Grimshaw
Gail spent many years in youthwork and has a passion for reaching those who haven’t heard about God’s love. She volunteers in her local church and loves reading, gardening and spending time with her family.
Gail Grimshaw
May and Ronnie Blattner
May was a Church Minister, published books and articles in Japanese. Wrote a dissertation in English at a San Francisco Theological Seminary in 1998, and obtained a Doctor of Ministry degree. Her last position in Japan was a University Chaplain.
May and Ronnie Blattner
Randal Porter
I have been a Christian since 25th April 1992 when I was baptised. As a Police Detective who worked on homicide for three years, I was trained to rigorously examine evidence, and explore answers given under questioning with more questions. Since retiring from the Police, I have obtained a professional qualification as a Life Coach. Like the disciples who Jesus used to kick start his church, I am not an academic. I explore the evidence through questions and try to articulate my message in a language that is easy to follow.
Randal Porter.
John Mollitt
Edwin Pugh
I am a retired medical consultant and professor. I have been involved in medical education and the teaching of educational theory and practice to medical staff for many years. I hold a qualification in medical education. I am also a Christian and have been involved in teaching for many years as part of Christian service both in the UK and overseas.
Edwin Pugh
Janet Wilson
Janet Wilson has been a committed Christian since the age of 18 and has never looked back. She is currently a member of a Charismatic Church, and actively involved in their Prayer Ministry and has a prophetic gift.
Janet Wilson
Alan Batchelor
Born in Belfast, Northern Ireland, I have a degree in languages from Dublin University, Trinity College. I have had no formal training in the art of preaching, although many years at my place of work, the King’s School in Macclesfield, where I had responsibility for organising and frequently delivering the morning assembly, has given me a unique experience in communication to a wide range of listeners.
It has been an enormous privilege, a challenge and a responsibility to be asked to preach from time to time at my local church, Tytherington Family Worship Church in Macclesfield, and previously at the Good News Church in the same town. Both of these Church Fellowships hold the Word of God dear to their hearts and my sermons, I trust, reflect that. Perhaps they might more accurately be described as studies in the word God, since they do not often follow the usual sermon pattern of “say what you are going to say, say it with points beginning with the same letter, and then say what you have said.”
Alan Batchelor
Melanie Booth
These poems and writings are personal to Melanie and she hopes they will bring others upliftment and strength through poetry and Gods love. She now practices Complementary therapies. All proceeds go to the Leprosy Mission.
Melanie Booth
Gina Osei
Rev. Gina Osei is a seasoned Teacher of the Word of God and teaches Revelation. She is a prophet and has the ability to hear from the Lord concerning thing to come. Her ministry has taken her to the USA, Germany, Belgium, Ghana and United Kingdom where she resides with her family.
Gina Osei
Colin Elliott
Colin enjoys practicing the gift of encouragement, which is well needed in church today but also in the world.
Colin Elliott
Camilla Olim
Camilla has a BA Hons in English and American Literature, 2 years’ experience as a writer for Christian Concern, 2 years volunteering with CBR UK and 1 year serving as a trustee for crisis pregnancy helpline. She is also author of her personal blog – The Accessible Christian.
Camilla Olim
Julie Porter
Julie Porter by profession is a qualified Child Care Practitioner and Child Mentor. She became a born again Christian in 1997 and has served in many roles including Sunday School Teacher, Youth Leader, Worship Leader and Treasurer. Julie is currently a licensed minister who has a Masters degree in Christian Education and a part-time lecturer at a Christian Training College specialising in teaching Christian Counselling from Diploma to Masters degree level.
She has always had a deep love of writing and have been writing poems, short stories and songs for over 30 years. On many occasions performed poetry in public and songs sung by her local church. So why write this book? There has always been a driving desire to put her thoughts onto paper and has many unpublished material. However, after many years of research on the topic of loneliness and solitude as well as an ongoing general observation of others and finally her own personal experiences, she feels now is the right time to launch out and have her work published.
Julie Porter
Freeman Johnson
Trained in Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Freeman Johnson attended Spirit Filled Bible School in Hamburg and was called into Ministry in 2008. He is currently the Senior Pastor of New Life Covenant Church, Berlin Germany.
Freeman Johnson
Ali Ansarifar
Ali Ansarifar was born in 1955 in Persia and has been living in the UK for the last 45 years. He was awarded BSc (Materials Engineering) in 1981 and PhD (Materials) in 1987 from Queen Mary Collage and Diploma of Imperial Collage in 1989 from the University of London. He worked as post-doctoral Research Assistant at Imperial College and Cavendish Laboratory, Department of Physics, University of Cambridge until 1990. He was Upper Senior Research Scientist in Tun Abdul Razak Research Centre, Malaysian Rubber Producers’ Research Association until 1996. He was Lecturer in Polymer Engineering in the Materials Department at Loughborough University and retired as Senior Lecturer in September 2018. He has given lectures, seminars and workshops in the United States, the United Kingdom, Europe, the Middle-East and south East Asia. He has published over 130 technical research papers in peer reviewed international journals and contributed chapters to scientific books. He has been a member of the editorial board of numerous scientific journals and has been awarded prizes for his scientific publications. He is a Fellow of The Higher Education Academy.
Ali Ansarifar
Bill Thompson
Bill Thompson was born in Edinburgh and, having spent some years in banking, he moved into social work. Over the following 25 years, Bill occupied a number of roles in residential care and some senior management. From there, he was invited to the part of the pastoral team in a large church on the outskirts of Edinburgh. One of his roles was in developing a ministry among men, enabling them to find their identity in Christ. As the work developed, God revealed to Bill what it is to be a father in the faith.
Bill Thompson
Ann Nunn
A qualified and former nurse, I have spent the last 45 years Caring for my son, Simon who lives with autism and Cri Du Chat Syndrome. My Caring role included teaching Simon how to read and home-schooling him in a variety of subjects after his school said he wouldn’t be able to be educated. My position as a Family Carer was a dual one, caring for Simon whilst also caring for my late husband, Peter who lived with Schizophrenia and, in recent years, dementia.
A lifelong practicing Christian, I have always sought out a local church no matter where we have lived. These church communities and God have been my refuge and strength during testing and emotional times.
For me, the biggest source of strength, love and inspiration has been the Lord Jesus. It is my Faith in the Lord that has spurred me on to participate in campaigning, initiatives and Caring groups to help improve the lives of my fellow Carers. I have also had the privilege of writing and publishing articles about my experiences educating Simon in magazines and publications related to Caring, for example in The Nursing Times and Community Living.
Ann Nunn
Trevor Summerlin
A minister of the gospel with a prophetic calling. Have been a Pastor for 14 years being a general overseer for New Covenant Chapel Ministries in Manchester( United Kingdom) and Africa. I hold a Bachelor Honours degree in Contextual Theology and a Ministerial certificate ordained Reverend.
Linda Plant
I am not qualified at all! I have simply found myself in a place where I have listened as the Holy Spirit has inspired my heart. All that I write is the flowing of the word of God into my heart, it is the inspiration of the never ceasing love of God which maintains us when the storm winds blow and we find ourselves cast upon the rocks.
Linda Plant
Lilyanne Joy
As an Missionary Kid I grew up with the sound of the gospel in my daily life. Both my parents wrote and were published so I grew to love word and books. I have written Gospel song lyrics for two Gospel groups, poetry and produced the works’ newsletters, plus there are other books which I have in the pipeline. Now retired from official work, I still volunteer and one of my many hobbies is real letter-writing! I felt it was time I branched out.
Lilyanne Joy
Michael Flounders
The experiences in my life changed me as a person when I felt lost and alone. I had dreams about an accident that left me paralysed. Then fell badly and broke my neck in a freak accident. Since then, I have been guided by Almighty God.
Michael Flounders
Mark Walker
Worked as a missionary in Peru for over 12 years as a teacher, preacher and lecturer. Hence quite a bit of experience at preparing and presenting material. Theological qualifications include an M Th. (Aberdeen), BD (London) and a CDRS (Cambridge).
Mark Walker
John Cockerill
Like Elihu in Job 32, I am full or words. Saved at 32 through familiar spirit involvement, some publicity, interview on Revelation TV, retired refrigeration engineer, at present my church is Assemblies of God.
My wife and I were involved in the setting up of a church on our estate, our house was a magnet for young people. I still do help out with the youth meeting at my church. I have kept note of the creation/evolution debate now for around 50 years and have a desire to communicate my thoughts on the subject.
I have no academic qualification to offer, however I feel the debate I have written of is too often couched in scientific esoteric language, often leaving more questions than answers. I have written out testimony into the book, chapter 8, as evidence of the truth of a spiritual dimension.
John Cockerill
Joanna Yusuf
As a child, Joanna and her sister would sit down on rare and special occasions with their mother, to listen as she narrated the most hilarious, intriguing, mysterious, stories ever, leaving the sisters in ‘stiches’ and begging for more. It was a real treat! It can be said that these experiences first sparked off Joanna’s love of ‘storytelling’ and ‘writing’. and although she wrote a couple of short stories early on, nothing more really became of her passion at that time. Instead, Joanna moved on the her life, later receiving a BA Degree in Industrial Design from Ahmadu Bello University, Nigeria. It was while she was there that the gospel was shared with her, and Joanna later felt God inspiring her to write Christian material, and hence began the start of her poetry journey. Joanna would later regularly share her poems with her church and her local community and today she is thankful to God for making it possible for her to share them with an even wider audience. Joanna is currently medically retired, having worked in the Criminal Justice System for more than 30 years. She currently lives in Surrey with Costa (her little dog).
Joanna Yusuf
John Hadden
John Hadden was born in Dunbar, Scotland. He studied at Dunbar Grammar School and later with the Open University, obtaining a BA (Hons) in Psychology and becoming a member of the British Psychological Society. He ran several social care programmed including drug rehabilitation, homeless accommodation, and independent-living training. A committed Christian for many years, John’s main Bible passion is found in the pages of the Book of Revelation. His hope is that Earth’s Final Chapter will be a source of blessing and understanding to many.
John Hadden
Mary Marriott
The Holy Spirit qualifies me to write these narratives I have been a Christian for many years and always enjoyed the written word. Since the loss of my husband, I have, like so many others, have more time on my hands, which has led me to writing what I believe are God Truths which He has laid on my heart. I live alone, in Kent, and have five grown up children. I lived in Rhodesia (Zimbabwe) until I came to England as a young woman, intending to go home, but met my husband
to be, so that ruled out those plans! (Man’s heart may plan his way, but the Lord directs his steps. Proverbs 16:9.)!
Mary Marriott
Martin H. Perry
I have been writing poetry for many years but not seriously sought publication. I did have a regular poetry page in the quarterly Welsh Country Magazine. I grew up in Bristol, was an accounts clerk for a few years before going to theological college to train as a church minister. I served the Lord in the north-east before returning to Bristol. Since retiring, my wife Sally and I run a small but successful village shop, with me occasionally taking a service.
Martin H. Perry
Salim Haddad
Dr S. K. Haddad was born in Palestine to Lebanese parents. He came to England to study Medicine, which he did at the universities of Cambridge and London. He specialized in Neurosurgery and worked in this field. He is retired and lives in Wales.
His mind thinks in poetical terms when he is moved by a touching incident.
Author of Christian Poems
Rosi Morgan Barry
Writing has always been part of my life, between the demands and joys of work and bringing up as family. As a speech and language therapist I have a number of professional publications, as well as poetry and plays. I am also a Methodist lay preacher, so perhaps fifty years of writing sermons could be added to the list.
Author of Tales of the Unremembered
Victoria Owen
She is a church planter, teacher of the word of God in great revelation, and an influential woman of God. At the age of 12, she led a prayer group in boarding school and requested for a church at the school which after taking her to church outside the school, she influenced more children to want to go to church to a point the school ended up planting one at the school. As a Youth God used her to raise up many young ministers and operated in many signs and wonders and miracles. In this book she shares about how, she challenged doctors in a cancer hospital in Manchester U.K by changing the death days of a patient that was meant to die In 3days.
She once went on a holiday and came back with a church. What she thought was just evangelism- God used her to plant a church.
Author of Walking in the Supernatural
Johnson AJAYI
I am a Fellow of the Royal College of Gynaecologists with 42 years of practice. I am also a practising Christian, a former Deacon at the Elim Pentecostal Church, Southport. I am a trained Christian Counsellor, teacher of undergraduate medical students, trainer of specialist doctors, who have given sermons and public speeches in the UK, Nigeria and South Africa. I also have a Master’s degree in Medico-legal Law from Cardiff University in Wales. I am married with three children, one of them a General Practitioner, another a journalist and a third who went to Dental School.
Author of 1000 Reason to Praise God
Moreen Morrell
I’m 76 and wrote this book 32 years ago when I submitted it to a publishing house, but the time was not right for this style of writing. I was diagnosed with Bi-polar 15 years ago which is mainly deep depression but do get times of energy, creativity and enjoyment of life, I live with it helped by medication, good friends and my church. The first chapter is about my story and has taken many years for me to forgive myself but has brought me into contact with others who have suffered losses and who carry unspoken pain. All names have been changed.
Author of The Welcomers
Grace Sullivan
I have an undergraduate degree and masters in law. However, the thing that qualifies me most to write creatively is the hunger God has placed inside of my heart to know Jesus more. Any spark of creativity or eloquence inside of me is merely the product of a glimpse of him within the pages of the greatest book ever written, the Bible. As he favours me with revelation of who he is, I find myself falling deeply in love with Jesus and desiring to muster up every ounce of creativity inside of me to tell his story to this world. My passion is to reach a world which desperately needs to know him with the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Author of Perspectives of the Greatest Story Ever Told
Benjamin Neesham
I spent my formative years in the south of England: first in Sussex, and then Cornwall, before moving to Wales, which is still the place that I regard to be home. I relocated to the Isle of Lewis in 2004 and, although my professional qualification is in statistics, I have always had a love of writing. My only published work to date is a small collection of poems, ‘Just A Plain Old Joe’, but work-related projects that led to me drafting various bulletins and training guides gave me the confidence to believe that writing prose may be within my capability.
Earlier this year, participation in an on-line School of Evangelism, run by Crown Jesus Ministries, challenged me to introduce people to the real Jesus, and this is what my book sets out to do. I have been a Christian since 2002, and my primary desire is to see as many people as possible enter into a saving relationship with the Lord and Saviour Who gave His life for me, in order that I may inherit eternal life.
Author of Spiritual Reflections
D.S. Reynolds
I have been involved in ministry for over 20 years in various capacities including being a pastor’s wife, Sunday school teacher, group leader and worship leader. As a former social worker, I have also seen the brokenness in people’s lives. The hurt, pain addictions and abuse they have suffered and how this has impacted and shaped the outcome of their lives and the choices they have made.
God loves all of us. So much more than we can ever imagine, only some of us do not love ourselves (for whatever reason). When we understand that it is God who created us and designed us and that we are loved and valued in His eyes, that changes everything. Having this understanding changed my life and that is what I want others to know. In addition to this he gave us gifts and talents to help us fulfil our assignments for the Kingdom of God. In order for our lives to change it is imperative that we accept that we are in need of Christ and make a commitment to serve him wholeheartedly and align ourselves with His Word.
Author of The 3 A’s
Paul Banthorpe
I have been writing material for many years for both secular and Christian contexts – mainly for drama (including a full Christian stage play in 2003), and more recently online/social media narrative for education.
I have worked in further and higher education for 30 years with a specialism in coaching and teacher development. I am married to Diana who also works in education. We have four children between us from previous marriages, the youngest is now 17. We are active members of the local Baptist church in Redhill and have recently started to lead a home fellowship group.
Author of Light in the Darkness
Tanya Lord
I am a committed Christian, wife and mother. I have a diploma in Children’s Mission and Ministry and this is where my love of writing began.
Although this is the first book I have written I have written extensive Multi-sensory Worship material called ‘Ablaze Worship’ which has been used by both children and adults in a number of different settings including Churches, Sunday Schools, All Age Services, Mission Shaped Communities, Church weekends away, Messy Church, Worship teams and at home.
I am a member of Holy Trinity Church in Leicester, an evangelical charismatic church. They are a ‘resourcing church’ for Leicester diocese and regional hub for New Wine. I lead and am involved with children’s groups within the Children’s Work at our church and have been involved or led children’s work for over 20 years. I am part of the Prayer & Prophetic Ministry Team. I am also a member of our Worship Team helping to lead worship with children at our church.
I have preached at several churches on prayer and shared content from this book as sermons. I have spoken at various local training sessions and conferences for Children’s and Young peoples work. I have also written and shared articles from some of the stories in this book for an online Christian course that is being created called ‘Overcoming’. I have had an article published in the Children’s Work Magazine.
Prior to being blessed with our daughter Grace I worked in the Financial Services Industry for Standard Life, Axa, and Scottish Life as a broker consultant for 18 years. Where I had the opportunity of writing various articles for the Prospect Magazine and being Regional Chairman of the L.I.A. in the East Midlands.
Author of God Can
Jennifer Muthoni
Jennifer would not say she is qualified but, she says she was inspired by the Holy Spirit to write; God is a writer (Daniel 5:5, John 8:6b) and he gifts us with the gift of writing and writing fulfils the purposes of God on earth.
Author of The Exit
Alan K. Scotland
Alan K. Scotland has been engaged in Christian ministry for over
50 years, spending most of his time working with church groups in the US, UK and throughout the world. He has helped many people facing personal difficulties, often when they had given up hope. It is his fervent wish to pass on their stories so that others may gain strength and find a way out of the prison of despair.
Author of Vitamins for the Soul
Linda Artus
Lin has been a Christian for the last 50 years. She has served the church as a Bible teacher and has enjoyed working with children and young people for many years. She has been on the leadership team of her church for the last few years as Deacon and Church Secretary.
She has recently completed a BA(Hons) in Theology, which has led to a deeper knowledge of the ways of God. Lin’s deep personal walk with God and a continuing fight with the demonic, has contributed much to the writing of this book.
She is the co-founder and a Director of Mustard Seed games, a company selling Christian card games and resource materials.
Lin lives in outer London with her husband, she has 3 children and 4 grandchildren.
Author of Apples of Gold in Settings of Silver
Barbara McCormick
Barbara came to faith in the early 70’s. At that time the Lord brought her through a very difficult period in her life, having foolishly opened herself to a hypnotist. God graciously delivered her and over the years has enabled her to help others who had similar problems.
For many years she was in children’s ministry and crisis pregnancy counselling.
She has taught various groups from the Bible for many years and has been involved with special needs clubs at her church for nearly two decades.
As with the prophet Amos, Barbara doesn’t have professional qualifications, but has been used by God to bring a word for ‘such a time as this’.
Today she lives with her husband in outer London. She has two children and five grandchildren.
Author of Apples of Gold in Settings of Silver
Eunice Essien
I am the 9th of 10 children born in and raised in Ghana, West Africa. I came to England in my early 20s and became a mother and a wife before I was 25 years old. I am on my 2nd journey of my life. A life of peace, purpose and hope because I now know who I am and why I am. I trained as a paediatric nurse and a specialist community public health nurse and was employed in the NHS for 14 years.
I took my position in God’s Kingdom Business working as a teacher and mentor of life in the areas of identity, purpose and relationships. I started my work in 2020 a couple of months prior to the lockdown in March 2020, when I gathered a group of young women together to empower them by sharing my story with them. I did this to give them insights with some truths of life to point them in the direction to make right choices in the midst of being swamped with ever increasing information.
By mid-2021, I have founded the organisation, Essiens ( to cater for the growth in working in the purpose of my life. My work has expanded to include men and women, whether single or married, separated or gone through divorce and parents. It is my passion to bring hope to people’s situations by empowering them with the truth of who they are and why they are and to foster purposeful and fulfilling relationships based on Kingdom principles. This is my ministry.
I am honest, trustworthy with a good sense of humour. I am growing in patience, peace and joy ever since grace found me. It is priceless! I want to share this with everyone to bring hope to people because I used to live life on the surface.
My life lacked substance and purpose; my life was unfulfilling and devoid of peace in those times, I now call the first journey of my life because I had a weak foundation. My priorities were wrong affecting my children and my home. But then, grace located me and I now have a different story to tell.
I have 2 children (my blessings), my daughter and my son who are part of my story and supportive of my ministry.
I am also a trustee for Christ Compassion Minister International in the UK and I am a church leader.
Author of Parenting Apprenticeship
Graham L Martin
Graham Martin is a retired civil engineer and although this is his first actual book (assuming a bound MSc dissertation doesn’t count), the fact that he has produced numerous related reports means that he is very used to writing English, albeit in a somewhat different genre. In addition, Graham worked as an expert witness for various clients, including Railtrack/ Network Rail has honed his research and summarising skills. Finally, this book has enabled him to periodically indulge his penchant for writing humour, which has thus far been limited to speech-making.
Graham has been married to the amazing Audrie (Aud), who he met in his home town of Torquay, for 43 years and have two grown-up children, Kevin and Rachel, plus two cats. Kev (Equity name, Kai) is a very successful stunt-man, having doubled for Daniel Craig in the last 5 Bond movies, and Rach and her husband Kam have a brilliant 4-year old son Leon and a gorgeous 21 month old daughter, Jasmine (‘Jazy’).
Graham became a Christian in 1977, having previously been a strident and mocking atheist. Audrie, who was more of an agnostic than an atheist, converted to Christ in 1980. My hobbies include sport (Aud and Graham both belong to a gym), Theology and Science.
Author of The Spiritual Journey of a Very Imperfect Man
Danielle Tanner
Danielle Tanner is a financial crime investigator by profession, a job that she really enjoys. She has been an anti-money laundering and compliance professional working within the financial services industry for the last six years.
However, she also has a passion for writing and have been writing fiction and non-fiction Christian content for over a year. A decade ago, she felt an urge from the Lord to start writing. This was further confirmed prophetically by men and women of God over the years.
Sweet Dreams, Tanya is her debut novel. She has also written a Children’s book soon to be published.
She is married to a lovely, understanding and supportive man who has to put up with her long hours working and writing.
Author of Sweet Dreams Tanya
Nicholas Berardo
Nicholas Dino Berardo, has been a reborn Christian since 2013. He is a young earth creationist, who has a strong interest in the subject, who does research into young earth creationism, apologetics with the belief that the bible is accurate that creation did occur six to ten thousand years.
He is 55, single, enjoys travelling, playing chess, darts with interest in professional cycling from 1960’s to 80’s period.
His book will encourage you and give the reader overwhelming evidence from the geologists, palaeontologists, dendrochronology, astrophysics, creationists that Gods word is true and infallible.
Author of My Journey Through Creationism
Jacqueline Freeston
“I am not one to write about me, I am not important. I have been blessed just as much as the next Christian, to experience Gods love and forgiveness. What I know is that by following the Lord’s word and seeking his guidance, we can grow and we can overcome. It is through God’s grace and his son that we can see our trails and losses be turned into endless possibilities. What can I really tell you that matters? I am a daughter of a King.”
Author of Autism, Love and Neurosis
Dr. John Dyer
Dr. John Dyer is Baptist minister having trained for the Christian ministry at Spurgeon’s College in London. He served in Brazil with the Baptist Missionary Society from 1978 to 2012. His main work in Brazil focused on leadership training for the churches. John is married to Maria and have one son, João Marcos, and two grandchildren, Aurora and Luís João.
Author of Jesus – Dead or Alive? The Evidence and Encounters with God in Brazil
Cath Sheridan
Cath Sheridan would instinctively describe herself as a ridiculously proud Momma, a Nomad, a ponderer and a relentless and passionate pursuer of purpose! Besides being a creative and gifted wordsmith, she is also a professional Business and Marketing Strategist, who’s spent much of her career developing and delivering organisational and customer value, by simply getting to know people well and caring about what they care about.
With an uncanny ability to somehow ‘see’ the unseen and ‘hear’ the unspoken, Cath is steadfast in her resolve to make sense of the fabulous, the not so fabulous, the unconventional and the downright peculiar that is ‘ME’ and that is ‘YOU’. “Life is messy and wonderful and crazy and perilous and beautiful and painful and blessed and disappointing…… And God so graciously uses ALL of it, if we’d only turn up as ourselves and say “YES! Seven Times Brighter is God birthed, God breathed and hopefully a raw, transparent and revelatory testimony that I pray brings Him ALL the glory as it brings others. freedom, life and hope.”
CSAs a longstanding member of Crossgate Church in the North West of England, Cath leads the Church Intercessors Ministry, has run classes on discovering purpose, led various small groups, continues to be heavily involved in the building design and creative team, along with being part of the mid-week teaching/ speaking team. Everything else there is to know about her (EVER!) is in the book!
Author of Seven Times Brighter
Andy Bates
Andy Bates is 56 and worked as a postman for over 40 years. He has been married to Nicola for over a quarter of a century with a 17 year old Son Evan. Andy has been a Christian since 1994 and am a member of Sheffield Presbyterian Church.
Author of From Darkness to Light: Nigel’s Story
Chidinma Ikechukwu
She is a graduate of Public Administration from Ambrose Alli University, Nigeria and holds a Masters Degree in Accounting from Ladoke Akintola University, Nigeria. Chidinma also has a Diploma in Theology.
She is from a very good Christian home and trained from childhood to know, follow and serve God. Chidinma has been under the teachings of several great and anointed men of God since her childhood and till date has grown to love the Lord who has given her the Holy Spirit who inspires her to write.
Author of Wisdom Nuggets
Sheela Burrell
Sheela Burrell studied Creative Writing at California State University, Fresno where she had her first short story, The Flood, published in Common Wages, the University journal. Upon obtaining her MA in Creative Writing, Sheela taught English in a secondary school in Malaysia and later worked as a lecturer at a higher education college in Kuala Lumpur. Sheela currently does Story Time for under-5s and works with young people at Meadgate Church, Great Baddow.
Author of When God Made the World
Abigail Harverson (Illustrator of the book) is an A Level Art student who enjoys expressing her creativity and experimenting with digital illustrations. She has been an avid art lover from a very young age and hopes to pursue a creative career.
Percy Fairwater
Percy Fairwater was an 88 year old believer have been ministering and studying the word of God in Pentecostal churches since 1957. He had been converted at the age of 15 in 1947 at the Elim City Temple in Cardiff. Due to lack of bible teaching my enthusiasm faded (children’s ministry did not include any bible study).
Whilst on National Service he met a convert from Pastor Billy Graham’s meetings in London, this re-sparked my experience and after the army he had returned to the City Temple, where he started lay preaching around South Wales.
In 1964 moved to Cheltenham where he had become a deacon at Elim church continuing to study and preach. He began looking at the End days revelations in 1957 and concluded this study in 1971.
Revised and rewritten again and again since and repeatedly tried to get somebody to publish it. This study represents 60 years of work which have been blessed by the Holy Spirit to produce this book.
Author of The End
Gordon Campbell
Gordon is an accredited Baptist Union Minister (BUGB) and a DFE accredited Secondary School Teacher. He was Head of RE and Pastoral Head, and has pastured several Baptist churches, including a BMC church. The calling of God to both arenas enriched Gordon’s ministry and service. Preaching and teaching are in his DNA and has an honorary Director of Missions, and participated in International Mission Conferences in the UK, Canada, USA, and Brazil.
Gordon’s wider ministry also includes counselling, mentoring, coaching, and moderating churches. His preaching and teaching takes him into other networks beyond Baptist churches, and also lead evangelistic and renewal weekends. Academically, Gordon studied at Cliff College, Derbyshire, Spurgeon’s Theological College, London and my accreditations are: Diploma in Theology (London University), Bachelor of Arts (Theology) CNAA, Master of Education (Brunel University).
His fields of interest include Church and Social history and Sport which includes football, squash and tennis coaching. Most importantly, his Christian testimony of conversion forms his everyday life and his engage with people of all ages within and without the church by sharing the Gospel of the Kingdom of God and hopefully bringing people to Christ.
Author of Breaking Through and Reaching Out
Paul Headington
As a Christian I have always expressed an interest in biblical scripture and knowledge of times and events, particularly surrounding end times prophecy.
There has and is an overlaying pattern of “confusion” happening in the world, where mankind, governments, world leaders, and kingdoms have no long-term answers, knowledge, explanations, or comprehension.
It is only God who fully understands, as He is the author and creator of all things, having already prophesised the events which will happen, leading to the end times.
It is only through believing on God’s son Jesus Christ with all your heart asking forgiveness for your sins, that everlasting life will be given.
Paul Headington – Author of God’s Promises Fulfilled: The End Times Prophecy
Victoria Neville
Geoff Vine
I have been a Christian for over 45 years and served in several churches across a wide variety of roles, including small group leader, worship leader, Deacon, Elder and Pastor. I have been married to my wife Angela for over 38 years and we have 3 sons and 4 grandchildren. Over these years I have sat under several pastors, all of whom have given good, solid biblical teaching that has enhanced my walk with God and given me a firm biblical understanding and foundation. I have attended numerous conferences and seminars and attended a 2 yr theology and leadership course, all of which has built my life with Jesus and enabled me to have a firm grasp of the scriptures which I hope is reflected in this book.
Sarah C. Aderigbe
Mrs Sarah Aderibigbe is first a daughter of God, Sister, Wife and Mother. Having given her life to Christ at 19 years old, she discovered purpose only after finding Jesus Christ. Born and bred in Brixton, South London, United Kingdom, Sister Sarah is in touch with many of the common challenges that young minds of today oftentimes face, especially in the Western World, whilst navigating the path of youth and singlehood in general.
Sister Sarah’s confession is that her God-given purpose is to write. Following her dramatic salvation experience, there was an awakening in Sister Sarah to the seed placed inside her by God. This seed began to germinate and expressed itself in the various articles and devotionals she began to write for her local Church community which were inspired by Bible passages. The hunger in her to write grew and has since metamorphosed into a deep-seated conviction to reach the world with words from the bosom of God. Sister Sarah counts herself as a work-in- progress that Christ is daily moulding and shaping. Sister Sarah simply wishes to be the unprofitable, dutiful servant in the vineyard of writing.
A Law Graduate who is a Legal Practitioner by profession, Sister Sarah Aderibigbe has a passion for advocating for others and is passionate about being a voice for those who are in need of legal redress and resolutions. Sister Sarah also serves in the Singing Ministry and Youth Ministry of her local Church community. Currently residing in Liverpool, United Kingdom with her Husband and three children, she strives to walk in purpose with the ministries of Wifehood and Motherhood which she has been graciously called into. Sister Sarah Aderibigbe, along with her Family, attends the Manchester Fellowship in United Kingdom of a non-denominational Christian worldwide organisation that believes in and professes the undiluted word of God as expressed in the Holy Bible. This book, The Soaring Single, is Sister Sarah’s debut book.
Chris Smithies
Chris Smithies has been a follower of Jesus since 1988.
He is a 48-year-old nurse, musician (worship leader) and author. He has been writing music most of his life and has now diversified into books. As holder of a BSc degree from Salford University, he is experienced in research for a written work.
Alice Wilson
Alice is a qualified teacher with an MA in History. She currently works for a church in the U.K. and enjoys creating prayer resources that draw people closer to the heart of God. Her writing focuses on equipping and enabling Christians to stand firm in faith in all circumstances, using the Bible as a life-bringing tool and manual.
David Andrew
David Andrew was born in Mumbai, India, to a loving Christian family. Moreover, at age twenty-five, he came to a Bible College in Birmingham, UK, to study mission work and has lived here for over thirty-five years.
David’s professional background and experience come from working for the Civil Service and the Local Government accumulative for twenty-seven years in Print, Advertising, Marketing, and Sales. He enjoys talking and helping people from personal experience of highs and hitting rock bottom that transformed his life by revisiting and revaluating for seven years his belief in several aspects of his Christian faith spanning over five decades.
David’s colleagues and people who know him spotted David’s natural ability to coach and mentor his style of conversations with people, which enabled him to notice the difference it makes for them. With that burning passion, David retired early in 2018 and qualified as a professional coach and mentor. He founded David Andrew Coaching as his business and began professionally coaching university students, business owners, mid-career professionals, and prison inmates. David has seen a positive impact of coaching on his clients by applying his Christian values and principles to his coaching style. He describes the positive results for his clients as his greatest reward.
David is the founder of David Andrew Coaching and the CEO and co-founder with Lana Maher, a co-founder, a life coach, and the Managing Director of Happy Work Environment Limited. They are global corporate wellness coaches and consultants.
David famously says to his clients, “Your past has brought you to the present – You can decide the present to take you to your future” – Let the coaching begin!
Alan D. Edmondson
Educated at Kettering Grammar School. A deacon of a Baptist Church for several years, Home Group Leader for more years than I can remember. I have written sketches, some of which have been performed, a musical play, which has been performed, plays, and pantomime, which I am currently looking to publish. I also write poetry from time to time, a mixture of “fun stuff” and more serious subjects. I love acting and singing, and have sung in choirs, and taken principal parts in amateur musical theatre, pantomime, and straight plays. I served as a professional accountant in practice for 21 years, then set up and ran, with my wife, a small Old Peoples’ Home for 21 years. My wife Maria and I have two sons, and ten children who know us as grandparents.
J. Andrew Kirk
Andrew Kirk has spent most of his adult life in theological education. After a three-year curacy in a North London parish, where he met his future wife, he lived and taught in Buenos Aires, Argentina. There with his growing family (3 children) for 12 years, he worked with a number of different theological institutions.
He was a founder member of the Latin American Theological Fraternity (1970) and the Kairos Community (1976). Whilst in Latin America he wrote on the use of the Bible in Liberation Theology and on the revolutionary nature of Jesus’s life and ministry.
Returning to the UK, he helped found the London Institute for Contemporary Christianity (a lay academy) and taught there for eight years. He also acted as Theologian Missioner for the Church Mission Society during the same period. Subsequently, he was appointed as the Dean of Mission at the Selly Oak Colleges in Birmingham and later a Senior Lecturer at the University of Birmingham in the field of Mission Studies.
Since retirement in 2002, he has been involved with theological institutions in the UK, Prague, Amsterdam, and Budapest. He has also been involved in leading study sessions in Romania, Sweden, Singapore, Lebanon, Armenia, South Korea, and New Zealand. He has continued writing. His latest books are Being Human: An Historical Inquiry into Who We Are, The Abuse of Language and the Language of Abuse (both published in 2019), and Truth to Tell: Basic Questions and Best Explanations (published in 2021).
He is married to Gillian. They have four grandchildren. When not staring at a screen, he busies himself in local ministry, gardening, walking, playing badminton, trying to finish crosswords, and supporting Arsenal FC.
He is qualified to write books, as he has already had 21 published over a period of 50 years by a number of different publishers (three in Spanish). Some of his books have been translated into Portuguese, German, Swedish, and Korean. Some have been co-published in the USA. As far as the topic of this book is concerned he has spent the last 40 years seeking to investigate a Missiology of Western culture, i.e. what are the key aspects of Western culture that the Christian Gospel should be engaging with and how should it respond to them. In particular, over the last 10 years, he has dedicated much time to three highly controversial topics, namely human identity, sexual existence, and abortion, all of which ask basic questions of Christian belief. This has led him to think about the main theological reason(s) why Western culture is becoming increasingly confrontational against its own long Christian moral and spiritual heritage. The fruit of this investigation is summarised in this book.
Kathryn Cole
A committed Christian for nearly 50 years, I have a degree in Biblical Studies and a Certificate in Christian Studies from a theological college. Serving God, in different ways in the local church, has been an important part of my life, particularly in children’s work. I also wrote material for a magazine providing resources for Sunday school teachers.
I was an ordinary person, married with two children, leading an ordinary life, until my world fell apart when my son died at the age of 24. I started journaling, as a way of processing the loss, but also to record the ways God was providing, comforting, and teaching me, through this devastating time. I have used these journals to write my book, Through Thick and Thin, as I would like to use my experiences to bring hope, encouragement and reassurance to others.
Susannah Ralph
Susannah is a person who loves God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. She is a prayer warrior and intercessor. She doesn’t see herself as qualified but was called to write this book as led by the Lord and Holy Spirit. She has been married to Ian for 51 years and they have 2 daughters together, unfortunately losing their older daughter at the age of 17 years old. Living in South Africa for 26yrs was sent back to the U.K. in 2010 to work and as a minister at Ellel Ministries in Frensham.
Irene Noel
Qualified chaplain and youth mentor. I am keen on encouraging people especially the youth to read and study the Bible for themselves and to get the most out of it by spending quality time reading and studying. Every one of us needs to study the Bible to be well-equipped for God’s service.
Copyright Evrim Ozarslan Photo Smile
Nana Ama Adu-Kwapong
Nana Ama Adu-Kwapong is a journalist who lives in the United Kingdom with her husband and three children. She holds an MSc in Gender, Development, and Globalisation from the London School of Economics and Political Science, a BA in English with Philosophy from the University of Ghana, and a Diploma in Journalism from the Ghana Institute of Journalism. For the last eight years, she has volunteered with a charity that supports refugees, asylum seekers, and homeless people in London.
Catherine Green
Catherine Green is an established freelance writer. She has been published in several national magazines and has ghostwritten several memoir books.
As a committed Christian, her writing is inspired by God and powered by faith. Her heart desires to spread God’s word. A passion for history sent Catherine on an adventure into her family’s past and this, alongside her own spiritual growth, instigated the creation of ‘The Legacy.’
She has taught creative writing courses for the past five years, both in her local community and at a nearby prison, and loves to encourage others to find their creative voice. She shares her life with her wonderful family and five cats and enjoys the freedom of coastal living in the UK’s beautiful North East.
Jennifer Brown
I am a former travel writer to historical places and also the author of another book where my partner and I undertook an extraordinary journey to rid myself of a life-affecting illness. This book is an autobiographical account of Jesus holding my hand as I trod a path of self-doubt, sometimes self-loathing, to find brilliant happiness. A testament to the power of God working in our lives.
John Amankwatia
John Amankwatia has spent his whole life serving the Lord. As a retired Pastor, he had dedicated forty years to spreading the word of God to different communities around the United Kingdom. His passion for theology led him to earn a PhD, master’s and bachelor’s degrees from the universities of Birmingham, Cambridge, London, Wales, and a Higher Education Certificate from the Open University. He is also the author of ‘A Thief in My Church’.
Jimmy Scott (Steve Scott)
Jimmy has written numerous life-orientated books, and his travels around the globe have led him to lean closer to God with astounding results. The Holy Spirit has subsequently called on Jimmy to write about God.
Steve Hawkins
Steve Hawkins is a published author in the United States and the United Kingdom. Active in prophetic teaching and worship, Steve is passionate about seeing the Church live free from legalism and partnering with God’s presence as He demonstrates His character to the world.