The book Why does Judaism reject Jesus Christ? which explains Revelation; History of Israel; Jewish History; Jesus Christ was written by Ali Ansarifar.
This book examines the history of ancient Israel in the Bible and proposes that there is a malignancy in human soul that rejects strict monotheism and God’s moral law.
This book examines God’s revelation in the Bible and searches for a narrative that explains God’s plan and intention for humanity. God’s original covenant with ancient Israel was meant to create a model nation based on strict monotheism and full obedience to His moral law, but this did not happen. The history of ancient Israel at various stages of its development will be studied in detail. This will include the early history after Israel received the ten commandments; Israel’s attempts to conquer and settle in the promised land under God’s guidance; the emergence of kings and kingdoms; unintended messianic expectations; and unplanned temple-worship. The Jewish history diverged from that which God planned in the original covenant and took a highly destructive course.
The author argues that the biblical narrative indicates that there is a malignancy in human souls (Jews and gentiles) which prevents humans from being strictly monotheists and obeying God’s moral law. For as long as this malignancy remains in the human soul, the human relationship with God will fail. Thankfully, redemption in the person of Jesus Christ will resolve this problem and bring human destiny into line with what God has intended. Current world events are moving decisively towards a cataclysmic end from which a false messiah will emerge on the scene, bringing human history to its conclusion.
The book Why does Judaism reject Jesus Christ? which explains Revelation; History of Israel; Jewish History; Jesus Christ was written by Ali Ansarifar.
About Ali Ansarifar
The author has been living in the U.K. for over 45 years. He was awarded a bachelor’s degree and a doctorate in Materials Science from Queen Mary College, the University of London, and a Diploma in Interface Science from Imperial College, the University of London. He worked as a post-doctoral research assistant at Imperial College, London, and the Cavendish Laboratory, Department of Physics, University of Cambridge. He was an upper senior research scientist in a rubber research and development centre in Hertfordshire, U.K., and a lecturer in Polymer Engineering in the Materials Department at Loughborough University until he retired as a senior lecturer. He has given lectures, seminars, and workshops in the United States, the United Kingdom, Europe, the Middle-East, and Southeast Asia; published over 150 technical research papers in peer-reviewed international scientific journals and technical magazines for the polymer and tire industries and textbooks; and contributed chapters to scientific books. He has been on the editorial boards of rubber and adhesion scientific journals and has been awarded prizes for his scientific publications. He is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, U.K., and a servant of Jesus Christ.The author has already published 7 books on the Bible, 4 of which have been published by Kingdom Publishers Ltd. UK
1. Sharing the faith. 2. The British and American empires and the state of Israel3. How did God create human kind
Table of Content
Chapter 1 – A model nation and a priesthood – redemption of
the gentiles.
Chapter 2 – An embryonic Messiah – heroes and military
leaders of Israel.
Chapter 3 – Judaism coming of age – historical structure of
Chapter 4 – A troublesome history – a Messianic hero who
never came.
Chapter 5 – The missing piece of the jigsaw – the coming of the
two Messiahs.
Chapter 6 – Summary and conclusions.