The purpose of this book – The 3 A’s – Align, Assign, Accomplish, is to help individuals align with the Word of God. Once aligned and in the correct position, God can then assign us to undertake tasks on His behalf and finally empower us to accomplish whatever it it He wants us to do. Thus advancing the Kingdom on this earth. It is also wonderful to know that whatever it is he wants us to do, he equips us with the necessary tools and resources that we need. However, this often needs to be coupled with us exercising obedience faith and trust in Him The 3 A’s – Align, Assign, Accomplish .
Jesus Christ said that He has come so that we can have an abundant life (John 10:10). Unfortunately, many of us are not living the abundant life that Christ promised us. In order to receive that abundant life, it is imperative that our lives align with God’s Word and promises. Once we choose to align with God’s Word, we can access all that he wants to give us, including a life that is fulfilled, a life of purpose a life where we can be entrusted to fulfil the assignments that He has for us. Thus, impacting the lives of others around us and accomplishing great things. This enables God to be glorified and put on display so that other can see how wonderful our God is and how much He loves us.
Therefore, the purpose of this book is to help individuals align with the Word of God. Once aligned and in the correct position, God can then assign us to undertake tasks on His behalf and finally empower us to accomplish whatever it it He wants us to do. Thus advancing the Kingdom on this earth. It is also wonderful to know that whatever it is he wants us to do, he equips us with the necessary tools and resources that we need. However, this often needs to be coupled with us exercising obedience, faith and trust in Him.
D. S. Reynolds has been involved in ministry for over 20 years in various capacities including being a pastor’s wife, Sunday school teacher, group leader and worship leader. As a former social worker, she has also seen the brokenness in people’s lives. The hurt, pain addictions and abuse they have suffered and how this has impacted and shaped the outcome of their lives and the choices they have made.
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