Extract from Understanding the Strategies of Satan
Understanding the Strategies of Satan: Preparing Humanity for Eternity is written by Samuel Koroma.
What it’s about…
This book is about when in this Endtime, that old serpent, the dragon and devil, known as Satan is implementing hidden strategies to distract, deceive and dehumanize humanity. His objective is to destroy man! But Understanding the Strategies of Satan, as empowered by the Holy Spirit, unravels hidden tricks of Satan and reveals Heavenly Principles to help mankind elude eternal devastation and enjoy infinite happiness with their Maker.
Watch therefore for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come – Matthew 24:42
Here’s an extract…
The Spirit of Unbelief
Demonic hazes continuously hover around humanity, as inhabitants grapple for planetary survival. The drum of an emerging life-seizure begins to sound. The atmosphere keeps mutating and the smart would begin to decipher the fragrance of eternal celebration. The devil fights to institute a demonic blockage, and establish his real-time deprivation of heavenly possession. Cunningly, he befriends the ignorant, in surprised expectation of a gloomy future. Roaring to embrace defiant broods, a holy generation ever succeeds to undermine the dark tries of the dragon. And untiringly, Satan employs multiple strategies to eternally separate human creatures from their Creator. The objective of that old serpent is to get humanity to ignore the source of their immortality. Satan desires to see man disobey the Almighty God. He aims to get man to obey his detrimental protocols.
But he does that in so many ways, some of which can only be revealed by the spirit of our eternal Father. As a Christian, you must truly understand Satan’s tricks to successfully execute your assignment and maintain your salvation in this physical domain.
In the garden of Eden, the Almighty God instructed man to eat of any other tree, but not of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. He cautioned that the day man feeds from it, man shall surely die – Genesis 2:16-17. And in verses 1-6 of chapter 3 of the same book of Genesis, man was deceived by that old serpent, who emphasized that the Almighty God instructed man to not eat of that tree because man’s eyes would be opened and recognise good and evil. And indeed, the Almighty God did reveal in Genesis 3:22 that man detected good and evil, after suckling from the tree. Satan, many times, presents camouflaged packages that seem right to man, but the end produces eternal devastation. The deception man accommodated from the devil led to a divine separation between man and the Almighty God. But even with man’s disobedience, God loves man so much and would do all to bring back His lost creation. Satan says man would not die if man eats from the tree, which implies man should not believe what the Almighty God warns of. Satan sets man against his Maker. And when man is wrapped up in unbelief, relating with his heavenly Father triggers another phase of spiritual warfare. – by Samuel Koroma
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