Kingdom Publishers is a full-service publishing house dedicated to getting the word of God out to the public by publishing books from inspired Christian authors.
We have a wide selection of books available in stores all over Hawaii. These books have inspired many to adopt and maintain a Christian life for the good of the Church and community. We are committed to building a moral community by publishing inspired works from authors like you.
We do all the marketing s you do not have to worry about anything apart from your writing. We have personalized services which are tailored to give you time to pray and deeply think about what you are writing about. Our team is ready to support you through the publishing process, so you can feel comfortable when writing your great work.
When it comes to publishing costs, we ensure that we tailor the packages so they are affordable for you. When you have finished your book, you will first recover your costs from initial book sales before we can ask for any royalties. We are more concerned about the message that you are writing about, than the profitability of the venture. Contact us for more information on our publishing services.
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Contact Details
We are open on the following days (except bank holidays)
Monday: 10am – 3pm and Thursday: 10am – 3pmEmail for general and trade enquiries:
Email for Authors submit manuscript:
Email the Marketing Team for any media related enquiries :
Phone : 0203 151 0015