We welcome you to Kingdom publishers in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
We have various partnerships with bookstores that have our titles on their shelves. Our published works feature experienced and novice writers and they all benefit from our reputable history and extensive experience in publishing.
Kingdom Publishers is on a mission to give out and spread the Word of God all over the state. These writings have brought many people to accept the Salvation that Christianity offers. The message is inspired by the Holy Spirit and this means that writers have to meditate and pray about what they are writing. This is why we give you the time and space to create your publishing calendar.
You do not have t worry about marketing and publishing costs. We give you tailored packages that are affordable to you. Yu also get to recover your costs from the initial sales of the book. We also market your book titles in other states apart from Oklahoma.
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We are open on the following days (except bank holidays)
Monday: 10am – 3pm and Thursday: 10am – 3pmEmail for general and trade enquiries:
Email for Authors submit manuscript:
Email the Marketing Team for any media related enquiries :
Phone : 0203 151 0015