Kingdom Publishers has a strong presence within the state of Louisiana.
From New Orleans to Baton Rouge, we have publishing assets that will be of great help to you, especially if this is your first time to write a book. We have partnered with outlets to ensure that your book will get the marketing and sales exposure that will make it a success.
We understand that publishing a book for the first time can be overwhelming for you. This is why we have personalized packages that allow you to write at a pace that is comfortable for you. You do not have to worry about publishing deadlines. We want you to carefully write the message that lies in your heart. Our editorial staff is here whenever you need us to help you with your writing.
Do not worry about the costs of publishing and marketing your book. We have great payment options that allow you to comfortable get your book into bookstores in the end. Get your costs back before you pay us any royalty fees – this is how much we treasure you as a writer and how much we are willing to support you.
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Contact Details
We are open on the following days (except bank holidays)
Monday: 10am – 3pm and Thursday: 10am – 3pmEmail for general and trade enquiries:
Email for Authors submit manuscript:
Email the Marketing Team for any media related enquiries :
Phone : 0203 151 0015