We are open to new submissions
For an aspiring Christian writer you worry about finding a publisher that shares your views and publishes books with Christian themes and morals. Sharing the word of God to people is an honourable journey and having the right publishers to see your vision is important.
Kingdom Publishers are open to submissions, with a Christian fiction and non fiction theme, that are inline with God’s word. We accept manuscripts of 5,000-50,000 words, for publication and will not read anything outside the literary genre. Response times can vary and can take up to 6 weeks, so please remain patient during the review process.
Submission Guidelines
- Submit your book proposal – a short description of your manuscript no more than 500 words, include word count, theme, contact details and any other relevant information.
- Send three chapters – if we want to read more we will ask you to send three chapters of the book electronically as a single Word document and not separate chapters.
- Send whole manuscript – if we are happy with the three chapters, we will ask to see the whole manuscript, again electronically as a single Word document. There is NO Guarantee that we will accept the book after reviewing the whole manuscript.
- Acceptance of manuscript – we will ask for you to choose the publishing package and sign our publishing agreement.
- Start Publishing Process
As a Christian writer, you have prayed about the kind of message you want to put across. Keep on praying, even after you have submitted your manuscript. You may have just handed in the next best seller!
Our team are committed Christians publishing quality and contemporary Christian books only. These may include: fiction, non-fiction, poetry, devotionals, children’s books and youth books.
As publishers we source our books to distributors who reach 39,000 retailers, libraries, schools and distribution partners in 220 countries and territories around the world.
Kingdom Publishers are accepting new submissions from both new and previously published authors. See here for more about publishing with us.
We look forward to reading your work!