Breaking Through and Reaching Out – Book 1
Just published! Breaking Through and Reaching Out: A Call to Engage – Enjoying the Presence by Gordon Campbell, which aims to draw attention to what is possible through people under the calling and authority of Christ.
The sovereign purpose of God has always been to build the Kingdom of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and populate the planet with New Humanity – the Church. The plan of this 2 part series is to draw attention to what is possible through those same people under the calling and authority of Christ. However we define ‘the faith once delivered to the saints’ we do so living in a very challenging, volatile and unforgiving age, but the Lord of Hosts has not left himself without Spirit-filled witnesses who promote God’s Glory.
‘An amazing book about how we should refocus our eye on Jesus!’
-Pastor Maria Yiangou, Senior Pastor of Victory in Christ Ministries
Gordon is an accredited Baptist Union Minister (BUGB) and a DFE accredited Secondary School Teacher. He was Head of RE and Pastoral Head, and has pastured several Baptist churches, including a BMC church. The calling of God to both arenas enriched Gordon’s ministry and service. Preaching and teaching are in his DNA and has an honorary Director of Missions, and participated in International Mission Conferences in the UK, Canada, USA, and Brazil.
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Book 2 coming soon!