Light in the Darkness by Paul Banthorpe
Just published! Light in the Darkness is a collection of 100 blog entries that follows the events of the first national Covid enforced lockdown in the Spring of 2020.
Starting as a pastime narrative of weekly musings, the author is called into a deeper reflection on his own faith and considers how the wider Christian community can respond to the growing fear and uncertainty brought about by the Global pandemic. Subsequently, this initial three month lockdown experience is seen through the eyes of a middle aged, middle class suburban family man who offers his own insights into events, sometimes with a touch of creative licence! Over the course of the writing the themes of hope and light emerge culminating in an ending that was as unexpected as it was welcoming to the writer and his family. God does work in very mysterious ways!
About Author
I have been writing material for many years for both secular and Christian contexts – mainly for drama (including a full Christian stage play in 2003), and more recently online/social media narrative for education.
I have worked in further and higher education for 30 years with a specialism in coaching and teacher development. I am married to Diana who also works in education. We have four children between us from previous marriages, the youngest is now 17. We are active members of the local Baptist church in Redhill and have recently started to lead a home fellowship group. – Paul Banthorpe
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