Apples of Gold in Settings of Silver
Just published! An interactive study book of Biblical Eschatology by Linda Artus and Barbara McCormick.
It deals with the importance of having a serious faith at this critical time in the history of the Church. This book includes what it means to have an intimate, working knowledge of God, how to avoid worldliness and secularization. It handles issues that damage our faith and the faith of others, and particularly what we need to know about our enemy, Satan. And finally it considers the dangers involved when we are ignorant of the enlightenment of Scripture on End-Times Theology, aided by a lack of teaching in our churches that should be preparing us for the Lord’s return.
About the Authors
Lin has been a Christian for the last 50 years. She has served the church as a Bible teacher and has enjoyed working with children and young people for many years. She has been on the leadership team of her church for the last few years as Deacon and Church Secretary.
Barbara came to faith in the early 70’s. At that time the Lord brought her through a very difficult period in her life, having foolishly opened herself to a hypnotist. God graciously delivered her and over the years has enabled her to help others who had similar problems.
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