Extract from Reflections of My Heart
Melanie Booth’s book is now available, which is poetry and reflections on her journey, that of having Bipolar. It is written with a Christian emphasis; God’s love has been her strength throughout. It details her times of depression, also elation, and how she found a way through both, with God’s help and other people’s.
It also has a chapter about the loves and friendships she has met along the way. She hopes and prays it will be a great encouragement that there is a way through Bipolar to greater wellbeing and happiness. Melanie’s faith has been her saving grace on many occasions.
The sayings reflect her loss of health, and subsequent loss of life itself. They touch upon love. But she hopes they also show a way forward; that there can be a richness of new life and gain from pain.
These poems and writings are personal to Melanie and she hopes they will bring others upliftment and strength through poetry and Gods love. She now practices Complementary therapies. All proceeds go to the Leprosy Mission.
Extract from her book:
A poem of God’s love and comfort through good times and bad.
As lovely as the lily of the valley
So gracious is the Lamb of God to me.
He gazes on me as His very own,
I am His child, so beautiful to Him.
He rocks to comfort me in everything,
He calms and stills my life within.
He is my morning star, He shines so bright,
He, My Father, thinks the world of me.
In all my tears, He comes to comfort me
Because I am His child, so special to Him.
To read more – Get your copy now!