Maid for a Purpose is a beautiful story about a young girl, living in the biblical age of the prophets who is captured by bandits and taken to a strange land. Written by Carol Stanley.
Roza was thirteen years of age. She was a beautiful girl, the
gentle curves of her body beginning to form. Long black hair, deep
brown eyes and a smooth olive skin were her main attractions. Clad
in her long dresses, with a veil about her head, she was often seen
carrying water from the well, feeding the goats and sweeping the
courtyard of her house. Her friends envied her slim figure and small
features: a curved mouth that always seemed to be smiling; a finely
shaped nose; eyes that made many boys hearts melt. She had a quiet
manner about her; slightly shy she was always polite but could be
quite outspoken if necessary. This sometimes got her into trouble as
in her culture females were not encouraged to express opinions,
especially in the presence of men. She thought about things a lot and
had ideas of what she wanted to do with her life. Once, Roza had
spoken out in front of her parents. “Why can’t I do all the things that
boys do?” she had complained. One look from her father had
silenced her.
“Be content with your life girl,” he had said sternly. “God has
made you a woman so be glad and do not moan!”
– Excerpt from book Maid for a Purpose
A recent buyer says:
“I bought this book today hoping it would be suitable for my granddaughter. I think it’s excellent and will be ideal. The sentences flow so easily and perfect timing for Christmas.”