Book Reading with Randal K. Porter
The Author Randal K. Porter invites you to the launch of his book, Evidence For Conviction via Zoom on:
Thursday 26th November 2020, 07.00pm GMT
As a Police Detective he spent much of his time gathering evidence in cases to secure a conviction at court. ‘Evidence For Conviction’ explores another kind of conviction and that is the unshakable belief that there is a God and that the Bible is His authentic and trustworthy Word.
Join Randal with special guests and a reading from his book, via this link:
Meeting ID: 84504985299
Password – 421887
Share with your friends and family at a time where we need encouragement more than ever!
(Note: If using Zoom for the first time download it at least half an hour before the meeting so you do not miss out!)
About the Author
I have been a Christian since 25th April 1992 when I was baptised. As a Police Detective who worked on homicide for three years, I was trained to rigorously examine evidence, and explore answers given under questioning with more questions. Since retiring from the Police, I have obtained a professional qualification as a Life Coach. Like the disciples who Jesus used to kick start his church, I am not an academic. I explore the evidence through questions and try to articulate my message in a language that is easy to follow. Written by Randal Porter.
This book is available to buy now from
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