The End by Percy Fairwater

Just published!

The End by Percy Fairwater is a detailed examination of the End Day prophecy. From Genesis to Revelation the author examined its historical or future application.

In the author’s fellowship with other believers, fairly often questions arose about Bible Prophecies, particularly concerning the last days. This study is his attempt to find the answers to these various questions.

It is a serious and devote attempt to bridge the divide between the historical and futurist schools of end days prophetical interpretation.

In Daniel there is a wealth of real spiritual blessing and wisdom to be found. A wisdom that Percy wants to share with the reader. A study that represents 60 years of work by the author, which has been blessed by the Holy Spirit to produce this book.

About the Author

Percy Fairwater, at the time of writing, was an 88 year old believer who had ministered and studied the word of God in Pentecostal churches since 1957. A deacon in Cheltenham at Elim Church he began looking at the End days revelations in and concluded this study in 1971.


Going through history Percy points out the signs and wonders that have been and that are still to come. A book of warnings, but a book of hope and a guide to know what to do when the prophecies are fulfilled.

Get your copy now from all good UK & Worldwide bookshops!

Encounters with God in Brazil

Just published! Encounters with God in Brazil by Dr. John Dyers, also author of his recent book Jesus – Dead or Alive? The Evidence

This book claims that God is directly involved in life’s situations, that in him we live and move and have our being.

The author describes how he was hit by a car and held at gunpoint in his own home. Why does God respond to some prayers and apparently not others? Where is he to be found? For those who feel that God’s intervention in human affairs can be explained as mere coincidence, these stories challenge that assumption.

Many of the stories are about real people, known personally to the author, during more than years of missionary service in Brazil. He tells movingly of the loss of his first two children and the miraculous healing of a sick child in the Amazon rainforest and of a young man cured of cancer, having been given two years to live by the doctors.

About Author

Dr. John Dyer is  Baptist minister having trained for the Christian ministry at Spurgeon’s College in London. He served in Brazil with the Baptist Missionary Society from 1978 to 2012. His main work in Brazil focused on leadership training for the churches. John is married to Maria and have one son, João Marcos, and two grandchildren, Aurora and Luís João.

With stories of faith, this is a book to amaze and inspire.

Get your copy now from all good UK & Worldwide bookshops!

Tales of Healing

Just published! Tales of Healing, Stories of those who came to Jesus for healing and who found their lives profoundly changed, by Rosi Morgan-Barry, also author of Tales of the Unremembered.

All the gospels tell of the miracles of Jesus – folk who were healed. What had their lives been up to the moment of healing? How many went on to do what illness had once prevented? How many simply went back to what they had been, what they had once done?

There are few clues in the Bible stories which answer these questions; they are answers we shall never know, but can perhaps imagine.

About Author

Now retired, Rosi Morgan Barry worked as a speech-language therapist for many years and in that capacity had a number of professional publications. She also has been a Methodist lay preacher for fifty years – which meant a considerable number of sermons and stories for children and young people were written in that time.

‘A truly amazing book that looks at healing in the Bible’ Pastor Maria Yiangou, Senior Pastor of Victory in Christ Ministries

Get your copy now from all good UK & Worldwide bookshops!

Autism Love And Neurosis (A.L.A.N)

We’re so excited to announce Jacqueline Freeston’s book is here!

A true story of a prayer, the spare room that came because of that prayer and a promise made to God should that prayer be answered.

An inspiring book about the lives of twenty-five strangers who occupied a spare room. It also tells of the authors son Alan who had autism.

Talking about everyday life, the author transports you, as if it could be your life with its trails and hurts, they everyone may go through.

The creation of each person from my memory, paints a moment, a subconscious thought of each person gone before.

Jacqueline’s prayer is, that the reader will have the veil lifted from their eyes, to see that when Jesus said, ‘I will never leave you’, he never did.

About Author

Jacqueline Freeston is a humble Christian who loves writing and follows the Lord’s word, seeking his guidance to grow and to overcome. See is a remarkable women with a gift for storytelling.

‘…a remarkable woman with a gift for storytelling and a vivid and rich life to write about. The death of her son Alan is the tragic focal point of a life lived for others….However you will discover many joyful and humorous stories…left me wanting to know more….I highly recommend it. – John Pantry

Get your copy now from all good UK & Worldwide bookshops!

Jesus Dead or Alive? – The Evidence

Just published! Jesus. Dead or Alive? The Evidence by Dr. John Dyers

This book investigates the resurrection appearances of Jesus, establishing their authenticity.

Special attention is given to the nature of the resurrection, body of Jesus, before and after the ascension. The evidence is gleaned from both the New Testament and secular literature.

Details from the biblical evidence are used for, the physical resurrection of Jesus and the arguments of those who deny that Jesus rose from the dead.

Consideration is given to the testimony of the church through the centuries and the importance of this for belief in the resurrection today.

About Author

“I am a Baptist minister having trained for the Christian ministry at Spurgeon’s College in London. I served in Brazil with the Baptist Missionary Society from 1978 to 2012. My main work in Brazil focused on leadership training for the churches. I am married to Maria and have one son, João Marcos, and two grandchildren, Aurora and Luís João.

I have already published two books: the first is the Portuguese translation of my PhD thesis on grassroots theological education in Brazil. This was published in Brazil in 2002. The second is a shortened version of the above in the original English. This was published independently in 2020.” – Dr. John Dyer

A truly amazing book that makes us think if Jesus is real the evidence presented shows that He is! – by Pastor Maria Yiangou

Get your copy now from all UK & Worldwide bookshops!

Christian Novel

What Are The Criteria For Picking A Christian Novel?

Christian books are quite helpful for people to get over the tough phase in life. No matter whether you are planning to move ahead on the spiritual path or if you require help with a problem you are facing in life, you can easily find Christian novels and books which will offer you the right support. But when choosing the right books, things can be quite tough given the number of choices. If you are facing difficulty, then the steps here will be helpful for you.

Choosing the right Christian book

When you have decided to read Christian books, it is extremely important that you consider checking out the review of the book on online platforms. This would provide you clear insights if the book is helpful for the readers to understand certain aspects of life. Also, connecting with your Christian friends will be a good way. After all, they will recommend you something worth reading which might help in certain aspects of life.

Reading the bibliography and the footnote gives a clear insight into the book and helps you understand if you will actually be interested in it. Checking out the section before buying Christian books on dreams will be helpful as this will help you make a purchase of a good one.

Once you have identified a good author whose writing you absolutely love, then you can consider purchasing other books from the same writer. This ensures you are able to enjoy different books from the day same writer. You can research online to find the books the writer has published. You can purchase it or read it online. It will fulfill your curiosity and help you get help with the difficult phase you are going through now. There are also Christian books on prophecy. If you are one of those, who believe in this, then making a purchase of it will be absolutely worth it.

You need to understand that Christian books have always been one of the best to get getting live experiences and knowledge about life. When you are facing any difficulty reading the books will be helpful. This will surely be one of the best tips to identify the books which will work well for your liking and help you during tough times. 


Once you start enjoying the Christian books, you will have the convenience of enjoying the reading session while getting some important life lessons. Simply look for Christian novels or books to see what will work well for your specific goals. No doubt, taking help from someone will be a reliable way to avoid purchasing those books that might not be good for you. Also, research is extremely important. It is always advised, especially when looking for Christian books on dreams, as this can have a major impact on your life. If you are ready to make changes and have an easy experience understanding life, then reading the Christian book surely will be worth it.

Christian Books

Christian Books Are Great Tools To Grow Closer To God

People, after being in tough spots or with mental issues, start looking for ways to reach out to this spiritual side. This is nothing new. It is a way for people to remind themselves about the resources and the deeds they can do to have a better life. There are a lot of Christian books which will allow you to stay connected with God and live a spiritual life. Irrespective of the positive or negative aspects of your life, there are Christian God books that will help you get over them.

Choosing the books

Christian books are designed to provide knowledge to the people. No matter whether you are dealing with grief, pain, or anything tough in your life, you can find Christian books on the end times, loss, grief, struggle, etc., which will allow you to get the right insights on how to deal with them and overcome them. But when it comes to choosing Christian books to improve the quality of your mind, it would be helpful if you understand the books that you are interested in reading. A self-help book that will help you build character or work towards yourself will help. Consider reading a book to learn about certain areas of Christianity.

The Bible obviously is a go-to book for many people, but there are other options that will give you knowledge about God. Luckily there are plenty of Christian books writers who aim to share experiences they had. This can be quite helpful, especially when you have got an issue or you know someone who is dealing with a concern. The underline goal of Christian books is to help the reader get close to God and find the answer to the issue that they are facing in life. The books have got insights about life and other aspects which will help you know about things in detail. The thing about spirituality is the more you know about it, the more you will crave to gain more knowledge about it. No doubt, the growing process can only work when you are ready for it, but the goal here must be to get closer to God, and for this reading, the right books are extremely important.

The Internet now has made it absolutely possible to find Christian books on loss and grief or other topics which will allow you to understand life better. Also, spirituality books are available in wide numbers. To enjoy the time reading, you don’t only have to get the self-help ones but also try out the Christian fantasy books. This will give you great information about life.


If you are ready to walk on the path of spirituality or if you wish to get rid of all the difficulties, then it would be helpful if you first look for spiritual books and connect with God to understand things better. You can find a variety of works that will all aim to take you close to God and ensure you enjoy the experience instead of being worried about it. You must be prepared for the growth and the experience you will get on the way. This will guarantee a good experience for you.

Christian Spiritual Books

Best Christian Spiritual Books You Should Read In 2022

Spirituality can help a person stay connected to God and take the right steps in life. But as the world is changing, people are driving away from it. If you think your loved one requires a step toward spirituality, then it would be helpful if you look for books on healing and deliverance or spirituality to help your loved one understand the responsibilities and behave and think the way God wants them to. You can consider advising your loved one to read. The list will provide you insights into the top options that you can consider your loved one to read.

1.  Practical Christian Doctrine: An Introduction to Thinking and Living Theologically

This will be the move towards the goal. You must figure out what it will look like once you reach the finished line. Practicing the doctrine will lay out a specific way of thinking and living life according to the Christian faith and stay as grounded as Jesus’ life. While it will also help you continue the teachings into modern times. It is among the best Christian fiction books that you can give your loved one.

2.  Celebration of Discipline, Special Anniversary Edition: The Path to Spiritual Growth

The book is like a path with its root forging a secular life that helps the forces connect with God. It is one of these great books that will allow you to take on the part of spirituality and learn a lot from the life of Jesus.

3. The Spirit of the Disciplines: Understanding How God Changes Lives

The book states what goes on to reach spirituality. It is like the food of virtual formation. Discipline is quite important for the Christian faith, but it certainly lacks the sex appeal of things that typically require attention regularly. For instance, in some cases, if you feel like you don’t have it, then the book is perfect for getting help. It comes under the list of books on emotion and physical healing.

4. Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones

In almost every Christian Church, it is taught what to believe for beginning to live a spiritual life. The process quite is dominated by mental strength rather than simply reaching spirituality. Spirituality is actually about practice. It is the essence of discipleship which is less seen in the western culture. When you apply faith, then the text will give you the power actually to help people transform their habits and life.

5. A Long Obedience in the Same Direction in an Instant Society

The last one will be the path for you. It will provide you beautiful expression of life with God through a focused and deep discipline rather than presenting the microwave fate of Christianity. The writer helps to realize that one has a whole life to grow spirituality. This is the approach that each one needs to have at heart.


When it comes to finding Christian books on emotional and physical healing, Christianity surely has got a lot of options. You can easily spot those top choices which will offer you a great experience connecting back to spirituality and getting close to God. If you are ready for the same, starting with the books mentioned here will be the best.

My Journey Through Creationism

My Journey Through Creationism

My Journey Through CreationismJust published! My Journey Through Creationism by Nicholas Berardo. This first book in the two part series is an introduction to answering the questions, such as Can we really trust evolution? Is the Bible true? Did God create everything as it says in Genesis 1:1?

If we believe the evolution model like the Big Bang, scientists could not for decades confirm what caused it and how it was caused. From the 1950’s to 1980’s there was no absolute answers established.

The book will also look at what the Bible says about creationism and how its overwhelming factors far supersede evolution.

‘The writer has done an amazing job to prove humans were created by God’

-Pastor Maria Yiangou, Senior Pastor of Victory in Christ Ministries

Get your copy now from all UK & Worldwide bookshops!

Book Two in this series COMING SOON!

Sweet Dreams Tanya book by Danielle Tanner

Sweet Dreams Tanya

Just published! Sweet Dreams Tanya by Danielle Tanner is about daring to be different!

Devout Christians, 14-year-old Tanya and her mother Keisha are about to experience some changes in their lives that will need them to call on their faith.

Tanya has Waardenburg Syndrome, which causes her to have a dark skin with bright blue eyes, giving her insecurities about fitting in. Bible characters like David, Samuel, and the beautiful Esther appear in stories in her dreams, as though reinforcing her faith to help her overcome her insecurities.

Meanwhile, Keisha uncovers a dangerous secret in her workplace that ultimately leads to the murder of a person close to them in a terrible case of mistaken identity. Now Keisha needs to somehow ensure that she and Tanya remain hidden from the killer.

About Author

Danielle Tanner has a passion for writing and have been writing fiction and non-fiction Christian content for over a year. Sweet Dreams, Tanya is her debut novel. She has also written a Children’s book soon to be published.

This book it highlights overcoming past hurts, insecurities, loss and tragedy through faith in God. A must read.

Get your copy now from all UK & Worldwide bookshops!