

Christian Books for Children

Are you looking for some Christian children’s books to read to your children? Reading books to our children helps them learn and improve language skills for communication. With Christian you get the added benefit of teaching them about their Creator and Christian values. As families spend more time together in these unprecedented times, what better time to read to your children beautiful stories and share important times together.

Some children’s books available to entertain them this holidays are:

Jungle Tales

Jungle Tales

A wonderful children books based on two main animal characters (Lenny and Mick) who get up to comical adventures with each story ending with a biblical teaching. Great for children ages 8 – 16!

The Greatest Tales

When a group of children are talking about heaven and how to get there, a wise old women interrupts them – she wants to tell them a story. The children love stories, so they settle down to listen to an amazing story about the discontented Sam who lives in a town called Rainbow. After listening to Mr. Bright going on and on about some ‘fabulous treasure’, Sam decides to search for it. One day, armed with a packed lunch, he chases a rainbow right out of town, hoping to find the famed pot of gold at the end of it. But to his great disappointment, the rainbow disappears. Frustrated, he goes in search of Mr. Bright who finally tells him that the greatest treasure he can have is to ‘ask Jesus into [his] heart’. Sam is so pleased to have finally found this real treasure that impulsively, he gives the old man his lunch.

Humpfrey & the Hug of Bears

Follow Humpfrey and his friends as they encounter situations in their daily lives which reflect one of the Ten Commandments. Meet Robert who was light fingered but was persuaded to turn over a new leaf and stop stealing. Then learn how Victor had a valuable lesson in putting God first before his X-Box and computer. The hug of bears have fun along the want.

All available now!

stand keep standing

Extract from Stand and Keep Standing

A true story of how God brought the author through rejection, hurt and brokenness. How God taught her to stand and keep standing on His word and promise until there was breakthrough.

“My childhood was not always a happy one. I did not have a close relationship with my Mother. She never showed any emotion to me, no hugs or affection. I was a modern-day Cinderella and did lots of the cooking and housework…

She did not want to kiss me, if I went to kiss her goodnight; she would turn her face on the side and put her arm up so I would end up kissing her cheek. I don’t know why she was like that, perhaps she did not know herself, but she behaved differently with my two brothers…..

All children need to have that love from their parents before the go elsewhere for it. All children need to feel confident in them and encouraged to feel that they are special.”

Written by Gail Grimshaw

Get a copy now!


Sweet Holy Spirit - christian books

Sweet Holy Spirit

This is a mind-blowing and inspirational memoir of a young boy from Africa, who had an encounter with the Person of the Holy Spirit in 2018. ‘Sweet Holy Spirit’ is written by Joshua Abraham.

At the age of 22, Joshua lost his beloved mother; she was his greatest companion. In the bid to find solace, he started learning about the Person and Ministry of the Holy Spirit from several books and messages. By the time he was 23 years old, during the early hours of a Sunday, he had a very dramatic encounter with the comforter; the Holy Spirit. He has since then found rest and peace walking with Him. This book ‘Sweet Holy Spirit’ provides a template that anyone can follow to encountering the Holy Spirit, as well as an intricately captured insight of the Person and Ministry of the Holy Spirit.




towards effective teaching - christian books

Towards Effective Teaching

This new book, by Edwin Pugh, draws on examples from the Gospels looking at some of the methods Jesus used in teaching his disciples his spiritual truths.

It shows how he captivated the imaginations of those listening, how he instilled them with God’s truths and equipped them to do His work. Examples are given of him preaching, , giving a demonstration, using a case-study, setting a project and mentoring his followers.

Teaching is not just about technique. It is about who you are. Drawing on Jesus we look at the qualities required to be an effective Christian teacher. This book is written for those who wish to become better teachers as well as those who are interested in catching a glimpse of the techniques Jesus used.


“I am a retired medical consultant and professor. I have been involved in medical education and the teaching of educational theory and practice to medical staff for many years. I hold a qualification in medical education. I am also a Christian and have been involved in teaching for many years as part of Christian service both in the UK and overseas. “

– Edwin Pugh




God Can By Tanya Lord - christian books

Building Our Faith Walk

Janet Wilson has been a committed Christian since the age of 18 and has never looked back. She is currently a member of a Charismatic Church, and actively involved in their Prayer Ministry and has a prophetic gift.

This epidemic has shattered many of our dreams and hopes for 2020 but we know that God is in control despite coronavirus. We don’t know His divine plans in all of this but as the Bible promises us He never leaves us nor forsakes us and this book of poetry is there to bring that message to light as I felt that God inspired me to write these poems to bring hope and encouragement to all those that have suffered one way or another through the pandemic.

The proceeds of this book will be donated to the NHS (National Health Service) in the UK for the remarkable work they have done being in the frontline.

Evidence for Conviction - christian books

Book Reading with Randal K. Porter

The Author Randal K. Porter invites you to the launch of his book, Evidence For Conviction via Zoom on:

Thursday 26th November 2020, 07.00pm GMT

As a Police Detective he spent much of his time gathering evidence in cases to secure a conviction at court. ‘Evidence For Conviction’ explores another kind of conviction and that is the unshakable belief that there is a God and that the Bible is His authentic and trustworthy Word.

Join Randal with special guests and a reading from his book, via this link:

Meeting ID: 84504985299
Password – 421887

Share with your friends and family at a time where we need encouragement more than ever!

(Note: If using Zoom for the first time download it at least half an hour before the meeting so you do not miss out!)

About the Author

I have been a Christian since 25th April 1992 when I was baptised. As a Police Detective who worked on homicide for three years, I was trained to rigorously examine evidence, and explore answers given under questioning with more questions. Since retiring from the Police, I have obtained a professional qualification as a Life Coach. Like the disciples who Jesus used to kick start his church, I am not an academic. I explore the evidence through questions and try to articulate my message in a language that is easy to follow. Written by Randal Porter.

This book is available to buy now from

If you are a Christian Author looking to publish your book with us, see how here at

the hidden treasures of the christian faith - christian books


A book to help liberate the children of God from religious and denominational slavery and position them as one family of God’s people here on earth just like the nation of Israel. Author by Pastor Midagbodji Ablam (Abraham)


“The mysteries of God are His eternal plan that has been revealed unto His chosen people, the elect by His grace through His Spirit, while to others it remains in parables according to the word of God….. If it is given to some (the elect) to understand the mysteries of the kingdom while to others it is not given, this means it remains in parables…..”

– Excerpt from book The Hidden Treasures of the Christian Faith


This book is available at



maid for a purpose - christian books

Maid for a Purpose Review

Maid for a Purpose is a beautiful story about a young girl, living in the biblical age of the prophets who is captured by bandits and taken to a strange land. Written by Carol Stanley.


Roza was thirteen years of age. She was a beautiful girl, the
gentle curves of her body beginning to form. Long black hair, deep
brown eyes and a smooth olive skin were her main attractions. Clad
in her long dresses, with a veil about her head, she was often seen
carrying water from the well, feeding the goats and sweeping the
courtyard of her house. Her friends envied her slim figure and small
features: a curved mouth that always seemed to be smiling; a finely
shaped nose; eyes that made many boys hearts melt. She had a quiet
manner about her; slightly shy she was always polite but could be
quite outspoken if necessary. This sometimes got her into trouble as
in her culture females were not encouraged to express opinions,
especially in the presence of men. She thought about things a lot and
had ideas of what she wanted to do with her life. Once, Roza had
spoken out in front of her parents. “Why can’t I do all the things that
boys do?” she had complained. One look from her father had
silenced her.
“Be content with your life girl,” he had said sternly. “God has
made you a woman so be glad and do not moan!”

– Excerpt from book Maid for a Purpose


A recent buyer says:

“I bought this book today hoping it would be suitable for my granddaughter. I think it’s excellent and will be ideal. The sentences flow so easily and perfect timing for Christmas.”

You can buy this book now at
it’s the lord’s doing - christian books

It’s the Lord’s doing! by John Mollitt

After full-time education, John worked in banking and civil service and then, for thirty years, was the pastor of Ingleton Evangelical Church. He then went onto preach the gospel throughout the north of England. John has now been appointed as an elder at Tinshill Free Church in Leeds.

During his pastoral ministry, John was asked to write down some of his experiences and has since then published four books.


Many congregations, especially in rural areas, are small and it is easy to become discourage but these testimonies prove that `nothing is too hard for the Lord`. A faithful, prayerful, witnessing church can still look to the Lord ` to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think`.

Extract from the book ‘It’s the Lord’s doing!’ available now!

Evidence for Conviction - christian books

Just published ‘Evidence For Conviction’

I have been a Christian since 25th April 1992 when I was baptised. As a Police Detective who worked on homicide for three years, I was trained to rigorously examine evidence, and explore answers given under questioning with more questions. Since retiring from the Police, I have obtained a professional qualification as a Life Coach. Like the disciples who Jesus used to kick start his church, I am not an academic. I explore the evidence through questions and try to articulate my message in a language that is easy to follow. Written by Randal Porter.