
an understanding of jesus christ, in the names of romans - christian books

An Understanding of Thou, Jesus Christ, in the Name of Romans

Jesus Christ had so many stories to tell, and a message which resonates down through the centuries. But there’s always one story which Jesus never told any of His followers… his own.
In A Western Understanding of Jesus Christ, John Lloyd tells this story. From the adventures of young Jesus to the work of His disciples in he last year of His life, John takes us through the places and people that took it upon themselves to carry out the work of Jesus.
With an original and creative style, John presents a fresh take on one of the greatest stories ever told.
Author: John Lloyd
i do, i do, i do, live always wins - christian books


How God Restored our Marriage – A personal Testimony


A love story with a heartrending thread, Pat’s long marriage has twists and turns, reversals and finally redemption and new beginnings. In sharing what could have been an everyday story of marital betrayals – and taking the reader through the pain and often the joys of reuniting with her husband, it demonstrates what is possible when forgiveness and faith are allowed to play leading roles in a marriage.


Author by Patricia Gault

the hidden treasures of the christian faith - christian books


This book is written to help liberate the children of God from religious and denominational slavery and position them as one family of God’s people here on earth just like the nation of Israel.



       A love story with a heartrending thread, Pat’s long marriage has twists and turns, reversals and finally redemption and new beginnings. In sharing what could have been an everyday story of marital betrayals – and taking the reader through the pain and often the joys of reuniting with her husband, it demonstrates what is possible when forgiveness and faith are allowed to play leading roles in a marriage.


Author by Pastor Midagbodji Ablam (Abraham)

obaedo a redemption - christian books


This a story of a young woman and her overcoming through Christ her many travails.


How a decent girl with a good home upbringing and future, got caught up in the web of one of today’s modern churches that thrive on the subjective impulses and private impressions of their founders. They inevitably go down the road of shifting ecstasies and lasciviousness. She takes a heavy beating in her travails, which changed her life’s trajectory and almost led her down the path of ruin until a new dawn arose. Obaedo-A Redemption, Cliff Chima’s book is brutally frank and touches many of today’s contemporary issues. It uncovers many characters, the good, the bad and ugly, who all come to life in this intimate portrait of the girl, her sect, her travails and her redemption.


Author – Cliff Chima



transformed by god's love - christian books

Exploring Sexuality in the Christian Faith

Sarah Sedgwick is the author of Transformed by God’s Love and she talks about her personal testimony and what she has experienced since becoming a Christian in terms of how to support others in their battles with same sex attraction and faith. This is a great book for any Christian who may be finding this topic relevant to them or who just want to know more about coming out of a gay lifestyle.


New Author – Marilyn Edwards

Kingdom Publishers has been busy and recently published Marilyn Edwards new book ‘Peel off the Layers’ which is all about Christian poetry. Marilyn has also been busy promoting this book to her own church and has been selling! When speaking with Marilyn about this great new book and what readers like about, she mentions many have said how they have been healed emotionally by reading the poetry in her book! Isn’t God amazing that he can use a book for this purpose and the following verse comes to mind ‘For such a time as this…’ Esther 4:14. Everything happens in Gods perfect timing and season. So order your copy today from Kingdom Publishers! Blessings

on ajourney with jesus - christian books

Why Is Poetry Important?

Why Is Poetry Important? … By Leena Patel


One of the critical questions in literature can be the questioning of the importance of poetry. Why do we question it? What can the answer truly reveal, if any? Most of all, how does it enhance humanity? Could it be interpreted that Poetry is a known inherent part of us?


A part of our communication skills is expressing ourselves. We can say, one of the most universal vehicles of human’s expressing their emotions and feelings is through poetry; it can also be classified as one of the most important of all written media for describing our  experiences. Furthermore, past research claims to have concluded teaching students poetry attempts indeterminate results within a wide set of linguistic domains.


There are known elements which are classed as literary tools used by authors when writing poetry. There are diverse elements creating several combinations which can be used in individual poems.

  1. Q) What exactly are these elements?

The elements serve in assisting to dress up the poem; the overall result allows a clear path of imagination and a compelling context commanded by the author. Now, it is becoming clearer how important poetry is and how much of a valuable tool the elements operate for the author. A simple example of this would ‘a letter poem’.

If we look at one of the perspectives of poetic elements, a letter poem, which is more frequently referred to as an epistolary poem; poetry of having an outward appearance allowing a letter-like format. Interestingly, the earliest known epistolary poems date back to the early Roman poet Ovid, whose work “The Heroides” was written from the vantage of heroines of Greek and Roman mythology.


Epistolary poetry can encompass a wide range of tones and styles; varying from formal to intimate. This perspective addresses individuals, the globe, concepts or nonexistent beings. A good example is of Langston Hughes’ “Letter,” clearly beginning with a traditional opening address; comparatively, others have managed to take on a far more nontraditional appearance and texture.


The strength of Poetry lies with its constancy; it’s production generously melting through entirely known civilizations from the ancient to modernity. Throughout this all-embracing history it is clear poetry has been made to address multifaceted subjects; love, war, society and its very issues, beauty of nature and the love of God.


Poetry is one of the greatest Evangelistic tools; allowing people to come closer to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

If you have any poetry works and would like to be published, please contact Leena Kingdom Publishers on: 0203 971 1902.


The Story Behind St Valentine

The Story Behind St Valentine … By Leena Patel


Valentine’s Day approaches with much excitement in our contemporary celebratory approaches; planning flowers, chocolates and romantic gestures with unique gifts. A fabulous opportunity to take advantage of such a well known day; to express the reflection of a deep love from within and wanting, needing to bestow it upon the one.

Whatever occurs in one’s relationship both good or bad, manipulating a day everyone knows it to be related to the circulatory system of love – in terms of modernity, this day has become a much loved occasion to look forward to no matter what the root of the reason is.


Question: Have you ever considered exactly how Valentine’s Day tripped into our lives and entices us each year?


The most alluring reality is the true journey supporting the fascination of St Valentine’s Day which effectively originates from a tribute to a Catholic Bishop, St Valentine. To enrich a fuller understanding we are required to step back to as early as 4th Century B.C. history. The earliest origin of Romans fully celebrating the festival of Lupercalia, known as Young Man’s Rite of Passage to the God Lupercus fell on the 15th February; claiming Lupercalia celebrated on the Roman calendar ‘the coming of Spring’ season. The annual festival is said to be intended for assurance of gaining fertility for the people, fields and their flocks.


A box would be created for young, adult women to place their names into it, in turn; names were randomly to be drawn by adolescent men. The objective of this was simply to assign a woman companion, as a sexual partner for the year’s duration, which would follow the staging of another lottery draw. Early Church Fathers eventually sought to end such a crude practice however it took eight hundred years before this took effect.


The Church searched for an appropriate patron saint of love to replace the pagan God Lupercus. Conclusively, they found St Valentine to be the most suitable choice, who sadly had been beheaded by Emperor Claudius in the year 270 A.D. In reference to the Church tradition, St Valentine was a priest not far from Rome. It was a time when the Roman Emperor – Claudius II released an official decree which forbade marriage. Claudius concluded soldiers that married resulted in poor workers, being emotionally attached to their families, and thus, his empire was completely banned from marriage.


Bishop Valentine witnessed the tragic trauma of young lovers; he persuaded them to meet with him in secrecy, kindly helping them by joining the couples in the sacrament of matrimony. Inevitably, Claudius discovered this ‘friend of lovers’, seeing it as a betrayal, and had Valentine thrown into jail and condemned him to death.


The time Valentine spent in the prison was not easy; however, as he awaited his much dreaded condemned fate, he managed to befriend the jailer. The jailer, Asterius, who had a blind daughter found no difficulty in befriending the kind priest; he would bring messages and food to him without fail. Eventually, Valentine met Asterius’ daughter through the jailer’s request of healing her. Valentine’s faith was immovable and his strength of devotion miraculously restored Asterius’ daughter’s eyesight. Furthermore, he became responsible for converting the two to Christianity. What resulted from this moving event – Valentine fell deeply in love with his friend’s daughter.


Some time past and Claudius ordered an appearance with the priest. There was admiration towards the priest’s display of dignity and his immovable commitment to Christianity. Somehow, the Emperor wished to save this impressive young man before him; he tried persuading him to convert to paganism so that the execution could be forfeited. Instead, Valentine turned the tables around and effectively tried manipulating Claudius into converting, all to no avail. Since neither party succumbed to any conversion of their religion, the execution day finally arrived.

On this dark impending occasion, the priest requested a pen and paper from his jailor. With a heavy heart, signing a farewell message to Asterius’ daughter, he completed the letter with “From Your Valentine”. . . On the 24th February, 270 Anno Domini, he was cruelly stoned and beheaded.


As an outcome of the Church Father’s search of a suitable replacement of the Pagan festival, Lupercalia – Valentine became a Patron Saint, the spiritual overseer of the annual festival. Whilst this lottery for women was banned by the church, it transformed the mid-February holiday to commemorating St Valentine; instead young Romans offered women of their admiration handwritten words of affection and greetings on the 14th February. Eventually, any greetings were completed with signing of St Valentine’s name. One of the earliest founded letters sent to his wife was sent in year 1415 by Charles, Duke of Orleans. At the time, Charles had been imprisoned in the Tower of London. This very card is held in preservation at the British Museum.


Another symbol recognised on Valentine’s Day is that of Cupid, who irresistibly became associated since he was the known son of Venus, the Roman God of Love and beauty. There are clear visual interpretations of Cupid appearing on Valentine cards. The story of Cupid is another journey, however it is clear to now visualise the supportive facts of St Valentine in contemporary perspectives. The story behind St Valentine is indeed a mesmerising one. . . Happy Valentine’s Day . . . God Bless.

The Basics cover - christian books

Effective Communication Between Religion & Authors

Effective Communication Between Religion and Authors … By Leena Patel


There are two categories people fall into: 1) Writing for an audience, and, or, 2) Writing for yourself.

Who says being an author is easy? It is not. There is a criteria by which all potential authors should consider. It is easy to get carried away as a potential author, simply because people think it is simple due to being isolated and comfortable in their home environment.  Again, anybody can self publish since contemporary publishing has opened up so many avenues. However, what is the essence of having a book published and eventually it just sits sadly on the shelf, only accompanied by it’s identical siblings?

Question: What criteria should Authors be aware of?


Who is your audience?

For instance, if you were writing a Christian children’s book, would you write using simple words, or, would you write using adult words?

The establishing perspective of who the audience is you are writing for, will determine the way you write and how you write it with the added consideration of whether images are required, and, what type of images.

As an author you are offering a credit which has a huge impact of important factors, such as: being responsible and accountable for published works in the perspectives of – social, academic and financial implications. Therefore, it is vital to have an insurance of self agenda to follow accurately; any contributions of the concept of any artwork, acquiring the such, interpretation and analysis of data work appropriately; any works drafted should be revised critically; the final draft should be approved for this version to be published;, and, finally, taking responsibility to being accountable in making sure of the contents accuracy.

There is also the further added complication once the book is complete. What comes next and how do I work towards the tasks of putting the whole book together ready for publishing. Already it is clear this road to publishing is far from straight and narrow; in fact, there are bends and side roads appearing.

This is the reason why most authors choose publishing companies. It is then ensured with an agreement between the publishers and the authors the complete manuscript will be professionally analysed with editing and proofing the context. The worse humiliation would be to be confronted with public who have read the book and criticize the author for huge grammatical errors, sentences that don’t connect in the correct context, and even, if I am to be mean, ridicule artwork that is totally inappropriate for the audience and genre of the book.

The final horns of a dilemma will come when considering who will buy the book, how will the public become aware of it, and, what exactly do I need to do? Well. If you came this far and reflected on this last but least of all important hill, you did well. Since, many seem to be simply content that they hold a published, final masterpiece in their hands and they deservedly can now be addressed as successful authors. In reality, this is absolutely not the case.

The completed publishing is required to be registered, which allows bookstores to search for potential authors of diverse genres to be considered. Of course, at this stage, the process is still not as simple, simply because a barcode and ISBN needs to be allocated. Furthermore, an appropriate and successful marketing and advertising task needs to be executed.

Question: As a potential author, have you considered all of this and much more? Instead of gruelling yourself and putting so much unnecessary stress on your shoulders – go to the experts and let them take away the headache and give you the deserved support to write at ease.


We all lead lives with twists and turns. Our religious experiences and journey accumulate and recorded. However, the effective communication between our Godly experiences written, deserve to be read and recognised widely for what the author intended.



Open book

The Thin Line of Influence for Christian Publishing

As a Christian writer or publisher, you wield a lot of power over the lives of many people who really take Christian books very seriously. Unlike secular and fictional novels, where readers already know that what is contained is fictional and strictly for entertainment purposes, readers take Christian books very seriously. This is where the thin line of Christian publishing appears, and all writers and publishers must walk this line with a lot of care.

The negative

There are some Christian publishers who do not put much thought into outputting Christian books that have a negative impact on their readers. The use of fear is one of the tactics that many authors have used to get increase readership. “If you do this, then something bad will happen to you.” This approach has been used by many writers in an effort to scare sinners out of their ways and into Christianity, and also to keep those within from straying. Although there has been some success in some cases, there are cases where people view themselves as being unworthy, when they read about some of the issues written by an influential Christian writer.

The positive

On the other hand, there are Christian writers who have a knack of showing the greatness of living a Christian life within a positive context. The issues spelt out in the book show the positive results that one gets from being a good Christian. This approach is said to work wonderfully, but in some cases it has brought about a feeling of being too good. “I am a good Christian and deserving to go to Heaven, while these sinners will go to Hell”.  The individual disassociates from people who are not Christians and will not even have a simple conversation with non-believers.

Walking the thin line

A good Christian writer knows how to balance between these two extremes when writing books. He should be able to show the result of living a non-Christian life and that of living a Christian life. Weaving through these two extremes and coming to a wonderful conclusion at the end of the book will bring about a positive and lasting effect on the reader. Actually, most of the writers who have a long-lasting relationship with their readers carefully toe this line.

The role of the Christian publishers

The Christian publishers should engage the writer right from the start. The writer may have a great idea, but the way it is fleshed out in the book may be on the extreme. Publishers need to know how to work with the writers to come up with books that are well balanced and will influence readers in a manner that is long-lasting.

Christian publishers and writers have a huge responsibility in ensuring their readers get books that will have a positive effect on their lives.  They must always keep the thin line in focus. With this in mind, writers and publishers will not only win large readerships, but also ensure that their influence is Godly in nature.

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