
loneliness versus being alone

Extract from Loneliness Versus Being Alone

Loneliness versus Being Alone, the Journey from Isolation to Beautiful Solitude by Julie Porter explores in the Bible, what it says about the topic and how it can help you overcome loneliness and be content in solitude.

Split in two parts, the book helpfully dissects:

Part One – Loneliness: What is its definition? Why do people succumb to it? How do we overcome it?

Part Two – Being Alone: What does ‘being alone’ mean? Is there really any good reason for choosing solitude?

Here is an extract from the book by Julie Porter:


Whatever the opportunity taken, eventually we have to be alone – what happens if we don’t find some ‘me’ time? We become stressed, overworked, pushed to the very limits of our human capabilities of trying to be ‘patient’ and ‘kind’; and like an overstretched rubber band we can snap with dire consequences not only for ourselves but for all others around us.

As it is a choice we make – then we are in a position to recognise that we need to make this decision now before we do ‘snap’.

On many occasions Jesus knew when he needed to be alone. He knew when he needed to re-connect with the Father and just take time out of his heavy schedule to re-energise himself. In Matthew 14 he tried to do this but met with opposition as the people still followed him, he had to forcibly send the disciples off so that he could go and pray.

So if Jesus took this method then I have to pose the question what are the benefits of being alone? I can only conclude that it has its joys – in setting yourself apart from others you can find respite from the crowds and from the noise. When we are alone we can make time to do what we want to do rather than what others want us to do.

You see, when Jesus prayed he always prayed alone – to get his focus on God to be away from the needy crowd and from teaching and leading his disciples. In fact when the disciples ask Him to teach them to pray he encourages them:

…when you pray go to your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.

Matthew 6:6

Jesus encourages them to go to their room, to their own personal space where they are comfortable and at ease. Then his next instruction is to close the door, i.e. to shut everything out – it’s you and God alone in prayer.  Then, finally pray to your Father who is unseen – not to an idol made of earthly materials and placed in front of you so you can look at it and focus on it, but to the Father who is unseen, i.e. you need faith and belief to pray.

Written by Julie Porter

Loneliness Versus Alone is available to buy now!

silly little bumble bee

Silly Little Bumble Bee

Silly Little Bumble Bee is an exciting children story book with (lessons to learn), lots and lots of BUZZZZZ, CROAACK and quirky little songs to the tune of [Five Little Ducks and You Can’t Catch Me].

Great for the kids!

Here is an extract from the book:

“Hi Shenic.”

“Hi Nicknic….What are you doing?”

“My mummy said I must go to my grandma, but I don’t want to.”  “Why are you going then?” asked Shenic.  “…cause she said to.”  He paused as he watched the birds flying.

Shenic starred at him and muttered, “my mummy ask me to go to my grandma but I don’t always go.”  “It’s ok not to go then?” Nicknic asked as they walked along the grass verge.

Immediately, an angel appeared and hovered nearby singing…

Two frogs went logging one day,

Over the fields and far away,

One said to the other not this way,

Why not the other asked and carried on play,

The first frog laughed, hee, hee, hee,

 You will be bitten by the little bumble bee – CROAK!

 “Oh, but that won’t happen to me,” replied the second frog and quickly jumped off the log singing…

Silly, silly little bumble bee

You can’t catch me

You can’t catch me

I’m too fast for you, you see

Silly, silly little bumble bee

Written by Marilyn Edwards

Get your copy now!

the gift

Extract from The Gift

Ann Nunn’s book (assisted by Liz Leach Murphy), The Gift, takes a refreshing approach to painting an honest picture of the raw realities of being a Family Carer based on my first-hand experience, and explores how my Christian faith has been my lifeline and supported me through challenging times, whilst featuring practical teaching methods that can unlock the potential of a child living with learning difficulties. We have researched the market and have not found any other publication that features the range of issues that we overcame as a family; a son with a rare disability, a husband with significant mental health issues, home teaching, poverty and homelessness.

Here is an extract from her book:

A Threefold Cord: A story of faith and triumph

I have faced many challenges in my life with surprising twists and turns, always with interesting outcomes. My faith is really important to me and my family, and God has been the provider of the strength I have needed at difficult times. The Lord has always been there for me. I know that Simon’s future is in His safe hands. This is not easy, but I know (beyond all doubt) that GOD IS FAITHFUL.


I attend a church fellowship on Tuesday evenings (bible class) and we are “family”. We pray for each other and our concerns. This mutual support means a great deal to me.

I have also found great strength in loud singing, “songs of deliverance”. These provide comfort and reassurance during difficult times.

In my times of desperation, I discovered for real that ‘God is my refuge, strength and a very present help in trouble’ (Psalm 46:1), a constant support and companion. I am repeatedly helped, strengthened and comforted when I call on the name of the Lord to help.

Through believing in the Lord and believing in His promises I have felt comforted about Simon, what he can achieve and his future.

The hymn “What a Friend we have in Jesus” states: ‘Take it to the Lord in prayer.’ (, 2019a) and that is the best thing to do because we cannot cope on our own – but ‘What a privilege’! (, 2019a).

This has given me a strength that has been invaluable, especially during times that have been very challenging when I have not been able to take the sorrows and burdens of the world upon me, but I have known who can.

By Ann Nunn

Available to purchase now!

maid for a purpose - christian books

Extract from Maid for a Purpose

Maid for a Purpose by Carol Stanley is a beautiful story about a young girl, living in the biblical age of the prophets who is captured by bandits and taken to a strange land.

Here is an extract from the book:

Chapter One – Humble Beginnings

Roza’s mother was an attractive woman in her thirtieth year.  Her former beauty was slightly faded due to her having had five children; hard work had also taken its toll.  Roza’s father was an elder in the village who spent days talking with other men about the business affairs of Thirza.  Her four brothers were aged three, five, seven and nine. Their names were Samuel, Nathan, Matthias and Benjamin.   She was the eldest and the only girl.  Second mother to the boys, she cared for them when her parents were out working; taking them to school, feeding them, trying to keep them well behaved, all a difficult task at times.  It left little time for herself, but she accepted her part in the family, as her father had instructed her to. It was the custom in Israel.      

Roza’s family loved God and tried to obey Him in their way of life. Daily prayers were said at home and the Jewish festivals observed regularly.

 The Passover was one of the main events in the village.  Once a year every home remembered the escape by their forefathers from Egypt where they had been slaves.  They had been promised a land flowing with milk and honey, God’s chosen place for them.  A lamb was cooked and eaten and a special ceremony was acted out.  There were other special times of celebration all to remember God’s goodness to the nation of Israel. 

Roza felt God close to her at all times and talked to Him as she went about her chores. She knew all the stories about her ancestors: Abraham, who was called by God to leave his country and go to the land of Canaan.  He had a son in his old age called Isaac.  God was starting to build a people who would follow Him.  Moses, how he had led the children of Israel across the Red sea to safety; David the shepherd king who had defeated the giant Goliath in his youth, and many other people who followed God and trusted Him to help them through hard times.  It made Roza feel that she too could trust God to keep her safe.  

Maid for Purpose by Carol Stanley is available now!


Ahab - christian books


Just published! Ahab, The Real Authority Behind Jezebel by Sandi Niven.

Fake news has become the order of the day as newscasters and journalists lie with impunity! I liken them to the false prophets of Baal who ‘divined’ during the reign of Ahab and Jezebel.

It is time for the Church to wake up to the fact that she is intended to affect the world positively around her. Once she does, only then will things begin to change.

Sadly, we are the reason for the season!

Excerpt from Ahab, The Real Authority Behind Jezebel

Never has it been more important to expose the Ahab spirit than at ‘such a time as this’. Whilst Ahab gives Jezebel authority, she will continue to hold open the door to Divination and every other demonic force the enemy can throw at us.

When the Lord recently spoke these words, “Divination is rife in the world today”, I realised that writing this book was all the more urgent!

Divination is rife in the church and therefore rife in the world around us. Just watch the ‘fake’ news in all forms of the media.

Not only is the Church playing Ahab to that Jezebel spirit but so is the world and while we sit in ignorance the enemy gains ground.

The false prophets are fomenting violence and, while the church allows them the platform by playing Ahab to that spirit, it will only get worse! – by Sandi Niven

Available to order now!

a universe apart against the tide

A Universe Apart Against the Tide

Just published! A Universe Apart Against the Tide by John Cockerill

The erroneous religion of evolution is robbing millions of an open ear to the gospel, many Christians are confused and adopting theories that may placate their confusion. In simple terms, through nature, prophecy, common sense and logic I attempt to expose the weakness of evolutions stance, and cast iron proven claims of Biblical prophecy.

About the author

Like Elihu in Job 32, I am full or words. Saved at 32 through familiar spirit involvement, some publicity, interview on Revelation TV, retired refrigeration engineer, at present my church is Assemblies of God.

My wife and I were involved in the setting up of a church on our estate, our house was a magnet for young people. I still do help out with the youth meeting at my church. I have kept note of the creation/evolution debate now for around 50 years and have a desire to communicate my thoughts on the subject.

I have no academic qualification to offer, however I feel the debate I have written of is too often couched in scientific esoteric language, often leaving more questions than answers. I have written out testimony into the book, chapter 8, as evidence of the truth of a spiritual dimension.

Available to order now!

A Curious Collection of Christian Poems - christian books

A Curious Collection of Christian Poems

Just published! A Curious Collection of Christian Poems by Joanna Yusuf.

a curious collection of christian poemsA Curious Collection of Christian Poems is an assembly of 34 unique and quirky poems that have been inspired by Almighty God, to glorify Him, and to bless us. The one common theme running throughout every poem is the fact that they all point to God. This book can be devotional, and indeed it can be recited time and time again to bless others or to bless oneself. It will make an excellent gift for loved ones who know the Lord, or for those who are seeking him during these unsettled and unprecedented times. This diverse collection of uplifting poems will surely put a smile on your face, and a warm glow in your heart.

About the author

As a child, Joanna and her sister would sit down on rare and special occasions with their mother, to listen as she narrated the most hilarious, intriguing, mysterious, stories ever, leaving the sisters in ‘stiches’ and begging for more. It was a real treat!

joannaIt can be said that these experiences first sparked off Joanna’s love of ‘storytelling’ and ‘writing’. and although she wrote a couple of short stories early on, nothing more really became of her passion at that time. Instead, Joanna moved on the her life, later receiving a BA Degree in Industrial Design from Ahmadu Bello University, Nigeria. It was while she was there that the gospel was shared with her, and Joanna later felt God inspiring her to write Christian material, and hence began the start of her poetry journey.

Joanna would later regularly share her poems with her church and her local community and today she is thankful to God for making it possible for her to share them with an even wider audience. Joanna is currently medically retired, having worked in the Criminal Justice System for more than 30 years. She currently lives in Surrey with Costa (her little dog).

This diverse collection of uplifting poems will surely put a smile on your face, and a warm glow in your heart.

Available to buy now !

Cover - christian books

Voice in the Wilderness

Just published! Linda Plant’s second book with us, Voice in the Wilderness.

For the Christian there is no promise that the sun will always shine and that winter winds will be kept from our experience. We set out upon a great adventure of faith, it is a journey of life and perhaps the turning of the road will be much different that we could have ever expected! For us, this was a journey set in God’s calling and answered faithfully. The outworking of that journey, would we have still made, had we known the terrible cost it would inflict upon our lives? Oh, yes, we would still make the same choice, even now! The call, is all that counts. We respond to His will and His purposes. It is a privilege to walk upon the beautiful pathway, which is a service to our Lord Jesus Christ, no matter what! – Linda Plant

About the author

I am not qualified at all! I have simply found myself in a place where I have listened as the Holy Spirit has inspired my heart. All that I write is the flowing of the word of God into my heart, it is the inspiration of the never ceasing love of God which maintains us when the storm winds blow and we find ourselves cast upon the rocks.

Available to order now!

divine guidance the living god

Coming soon
Divine Guidance by Mark Walker

Here is a preview of Divine Guidance, The Living God by Mark Walker, soon to be published.

“It must be the biggest decision we have to make, or at least up there as one of the biggest. Who am I going to marry?” The opening words to my book entitled Divine Guidance. And who doesn’t have big decisions to make in their lives, be it work related, health, family…? Here is a book which emphasizes, through personal experiences, powerful illustrations and carefully selected verses from Scripture, God’s part in that decision making process. It tells my story of how God has provided direction by means of the Bible and preaching of the Word, through conversation with others, through the Holy Spirit, through prayer and silence, through coincidences and, finally, through “fleeces.”
But there is so much more….by Mark Walker

Get your copy soon!

whatever next

Coming soon
Whatever Next! by Lilyanne Joy

Here is a preview of Whatever Next by Lilyanne Joy, soon to be published.

We are in the end times and so many people are not aware of it. In writing to my family, it occurred to me that maybe others would appreciate the simplifies message. The Book of Revelation is difficult to understand and this little book is an easy read in short bites. It explains what is happening now and will happen in the future – maybe very soon. My hope is that anyone reading it will ask Jesus into their heart and life. He will not only guide and comfort through turbulent times but He will ensure a future eternity with Him in heaven. As I say many times in the letters, if you have questions, find a Bible-based church near you and talk to the Minister. May the Lord bless you and stir your heart as you read. – by Lilyanne Joy

Get your copy soon!